Field Of Cultural Studies example essay topic

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Different comments regarding education in Singapore: "Hehe yeah. My mates and I were arguing about how Australia is so globalised the other day. We actually discover that many of us are giving force to this cultural empire of the mind. Loads of us are the type who drink at Starbucks, hang out at Macc as, shop at Nike and abandon our local bookstore the moment Borders sets up its new outlet directly opposite. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a common phenomenon in Singapore as Orchard Road could easily be mistaken as a replica of Boston.

Hmm... cultural theorists would term it as 'consumer fetishism'. Cultural Studies is really interdisciplinary... encompassing the fields of cultural media, cultural politics, etc Surprisingly I actually enjoyed my Cultural Studies elective a lot despite my interests reflected in my majors as the rather socio-scientific fields of Politics / European Studies and Media. prided on myself as someone who's not into airy fairy stuffs like Lit, Cinematology, Social Theory etc, much less Cultural Studies. But doing a first year subject in 'Contemporary Culture and Media' really changed my mind. I find that sometimes ppl need to study airy fairy stuffs to make things we take for granted make sense.

Indeed, taking that single subject itself has made me more aware of the idiosyncrasies of contemporary culture and society as a whole. I'm not trying to advertise the field of Cultural Studies here or anything, just that cybernaut mentioned studying F 4 and BSB. hehe... the 3 essays I wrote for the subject were on a Dolce / Gabbana ad, the film Bring It On and the music video for Avril Lavigne's song, Complicated. "The main reason why the prevailing govt keeps a tight rein on its power is because of the number of companies that it controls or has links with in Singapore and overseas. Img aine the prevailing govt loses power to the opposition who has no power on the companies, the economy will definitely go down in a flash. For example Taiwan when the KMT lost out to "Qing Ming" party, Taiwan had to struggle for quite a while before getting its feet back up again. When the Chinese people got rid of the Ching dynasty, it took them half a century to get back on their feet.

I am going to put it very selfishly. Enjoy Singapore while you can. Its up to the future generation if they want to take up the challenge. As for me and other Singaporeans, all we can do is whinge and hope that the govt listens. If not, then like what LSH said, "We have to swallow the bitter pill". With globalisation trends current in vogue, cultural studies is needed more than ever.

If I have a company interested in expanding into other regions, I would want a grau date who is able to bridge the cultural differences so that business can be conducted effectively. Most big companies prefer diversity than narrow skills specifications" web.