Fight Club For People example essay topic

294 words
Fight club is a very good movie to see. I reccomend it because i have seen in it some of the finest acting that has been in movies. Brad Pitt plays Tyler Durdan, the imagined friend of Edward Norton. Together the two develope a fight club for people who need to relieve tension. They eventually turn the fight club into an organization which gets into controlling the entire city and becoming a leader. They basically become an anarchy.

The interesting twist to this story however is that Tyler Durdan is imagined. So Edward Norton thinks that Tyler is the leader of the club when really he is Tyler Durdan. Whenever Tyler did something that Edward didn't like... it was actually himself doing it. when you need time u should just ask many people to become other animals that need a good taking care of or else you might become part of that very very bad hipocrasy that so many people these days are becoming a part of. This may not make any sense but if you read it like i think most commonly smart people will then i think it should all be ok. So if u think that you don't know how to do something... than just email me and i will let you know how to do that certain thing that u cannot do. Alot of the people around me believe in anarchy which i think is bogus.

Don't you? well i sure do... maybe one day will i agree with what they believe in by right now i sure as hell don't think that what they think is very cool. I think its all a bunch of crap.