Fish Cheeks By Amy Tan example essay topic
Amy Tan's "Fish Cheeks" is a short narrative about when she was a little girl and her crush came over for dinner. But it was much more than that. "Fish Cheeks" is a reflection of differences in culture, pride, shame, and realization. One Christmas Eve, Amy's parents invite her crush Robert, and his family over for dinner.
Amy isnt particulary happy about this because Robert and his family are white while she is Chinese. Obviously the Tan's Christmas dinner would be much different than what Robert's family was used to. During the meal, Amy was embarrassed about how her relatives displayed their Chinese customs in front of their guests. After dinner her mother told her that she should never be ashamed of her culture and her only shame was to have shame. "Fish Cheeks" relates to todays society in many ways. With the growing population of multi-cultural children, there are bound to be some who are confused about where they fit in, in society.
Since Robert is white, Amy wants to be as similar to him as possible so she is ashamed of her Chinese heritage. This is not the way to be. You should always have pride in your culture no matter what anybody else thinks. "Fish Cheeks" was a good story overall.
Although the characters were not developed well, they didnt have to be. The story was short, simple, and to the point, with a direct moral at the end. Any child who may think being different is wrong, should read "Fish Cheeks" for a change of perspective. When reading "Fish Cheeks" one should look up the meanings of certain terminology to more fully understand the concepts. Some of these words are: race, shame, pride, differences, and culture.