Five Minutes In The Penalty Box example essay topic

863 words
This report is going to be on the game Ice hockey. A game of hockey is divided into three twenty minute time periods that are called periods. Between each period there is a fifth teen minute intermission. In hockey there are several ways a game may end if there is a tie at the end of regulation.

The pros use one twenty sudden death period in which the first to score is the winner. In the amateurs they use a shoot out in which five players from each team are selected and allowed to go one on one with the opposing goalie and which ever team scores the most goals after all five members for both teams have taken their shot they are the winners. If there is a tie after this it keeps repeating until a winner is crowned. A team is allowed only six players on the ice at a time. These players consist of a goalie, right and left defense men, right and left wingers, and a center.

Defense men stay back towards the blue line so none of the opposing team can get behind them. The wing men stay towards their respective sides of the net. The center does just that jams the front of the net to either screen (block the view of) the goalie or deflects the shot into the net. The goalie, mostly stays in his crease to protect the goal however if he wants he may leave his crease (the light blue area by the net in the photo). Because of the speed of the game it is the only sport in which substitutions are allowed to be made while the game is in progress. The pace of a game is so quick that even the pros in top physical condition only have shifts that last from ninety second to two minutes.

A defense men's shift will often be slightly longer then that of a winger or a center. There are three different types of penalties in hockey a minor, a major, and a non contact penalties. Non contact penalties occur when a player hit's the puck from his zone past the red goal line in the other teams zone and a member from his team does not touch it, however the goalie for the opposing team can wave it off and keep the puck in play, this is called icing. Another non contact penalty is when a teammate passes the puck to another teammate and it goes over a blue and red line without being touched before crossing both lines this called a two line pass.

The last of the non contact penalties is off sides and this when an opposing team is going into their defenders zone and they pass the blue line before the puck does (the puck has to be the first thing to pass the blue line going into the zone). A minor penalty is assessed when an excessive amount of body or equipment is used to impede the speed or shot of an opponent. The player must then sit in the penalty box for two minutes of play and his team must play a man down (power play). If the opposing team scores during this time the man then can leave the box.

A major penalty is given when most often for fighting or a severely violent act, and results in five minutes in the penalty box and return to play. This can also result in a game misconduct in which the player may not return to the game, but after the five minutes in the penalty box has been served he may be substituted. There are three common shots in hockey: the wrist shot, the slap shot, and the backhander. The slap shot has been timed at more then 100 mph. The slap shot is different from the wrist shot in that the player brings the stick to where it is almost perpendicular to the ice and then brings it down quickly slapping the puck forward.

In a wrist shot there is no windup or raising of the stick before the shot, the puck is cradled along the ice and the wrist is then snapped forward often times launching the puck air born. The wrist shot is the most accurate of all shots. Last of all the backhander is taken from the opposite of what the player would normally shoot, it is not very hard but, gives the advantage of a getting rid of the puck quickly. So in conclusion I feel that hockey is often looked at as a sport for big go ony guys that are not all that bright. I once read an article that stated that hockey players were among the brightest of all pro athletes, because they are hardly ever drafted right out of high school or taken early from college so they often receive the most education. So I feel that hockey is a sport for the thinking man.