Floor Traders And Desk Traders example essay topic
Entry level individuals may find long hours and commission to be cumbersome out of the college environment but can eventually lead to be the keys to success within the field. Advancement within a firm also is based on the broker's work ethic, as it is solely up to the broker to decide how far he wishes to advance within the securities exchange market. Andrew Charbonneau Finance 323: Investments Prof Kish A security sales and trading agent is a financial occupation that I would hope to pursue upon graduation. Being a trader is something that has always been of interest to me, as it seems as though the fast pace and constant changes within the market would be a challenging yet rewarding job. The exchange of securities is an aspect of finance is under constant technological advancement, as computers have revolutionized the way that traders can trade bonds and stocks.
Once there was only floor trading, but now thanks to the benefit of computers, desk traders have become a growing and more prominent part of securities exchange. The internet has also allowed for the globalization of world marketplaces, and is another reason for this growing financial division. Aside from globalization, the internet has allowed for more online trading firms to open, expanding the need for traders. Generally speaking there are two kinds of traders: floor traders and desk traders. Floor traders is the occupation of one who physically runs around the trading floor like the New York Stock Exchange looking for buyers and sellers for their tickets. The floor broker will receive the order electronically when on the floor, and then will try to find the best price for the security that they are buying or selling.
The floor trader is a position that is under constant pressure as prices can quickly change and the trader must find someone that is willing to pay the specified price. If the floor trader is unsuccessful, no one makes money and options for monetary gain are lost. A floor trader will generally work all the hours that the exchange is open, often without breaks Desk traders differ from their floor trader counterparts, in that they are as their name implies often sitting at a desk in a less crowded, but not necessarily hectic environment. Often referred to as "over the counter", the Nasdaq is the most likely dealer network that a desk trader will be using to trade. The desk trader has access to an internet network that lists the prices for the security that the trader is trying to sell.
The trader will view the program looking for the price which his client wants to buy or sell, all while watching how the market is moving for the day. As soon as the desired price is found then the trader can confirm, and the transaction is completed electronically. There are some instances that allow the bypass of the desk trader in which offers are electronically matched with offers, but this method is generally used for stocks traded in high quantity and frequency.