Foreign Born Population Between 1990 2000 example essay topic
In Hawaii, nine percent of the population consists of immigrants who arrived since 1980; by way of comparison, six percent of Florida's population consists of recent immigrants. WE ALL PAY FOR IMMIGRATION THROUGH OUR FEDERAL TAXES Much of the cost for immigration is paid by the states and municipalities, but a lot is paid for by the federal government too. Illegal immigrants receive taxpayer support for their U.S. -born children, immunizations, subsidized public health and other programs. Legal immigrants are eligible for almost all federal programs. In many areas, such as education, the federal government gives matching grants for state expenditures, which means paying twice for those costs of immigration. When states hand a bill to the federal government for the costs of immigration (as is provided for by law in the case of incarceration of illegal immigrants, or welfare programs for the illegal aliens who were "amnestied" in 1986), it is you who will pay regardless of where you live.
The U.S. is a vast country; it is easy to be deceived into thinking that what goes on in other states does not affect us. But, directly or indirectly, the impact of high immigration on our country hits us all and hits us hard. For that reason, all Americans should demand that their representatives in Washington reduce the price they are paying for immigration. The best way to cut those costs is to reduce immigration itself.
NATIONAL POPULATION Between 1990 and 2000 the U.S. population increased by 13.1 percent (from 248,909,873 to 281,421,906). According to Census Bureau director, Kenneth Prewitt, this was 1.4 million more persons than were expected, perhaps, he said, because a better job was done in counting illegal aliens than had been done in the past. The population increase over the decade of the 1990's was due to a 57.4 percent increase in the foreign-born population and a 9.2 percent increase in the native-born population (including children born to the immigrants). Overall, the increase in the immigrant population directly accounted for 34.9 percent of the nation's rise in population.
Between 1980 and 1990 the U.S. population increased by 9.9 percent (from 226,542,203 to 248,909,873 residents). FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION The Census Bureau estimated the Foreign-Born population as of March 2002 was 32.5 million residents. That amounts to a foreign-born population share of 11.3 percent. The 2000 Census recorded 31,107,573 foreign-born residents in the country.
That was 11.1 percent of the country's overall population and an increase of 57.4 percent above the 1990 foreign-born population of 19,767,316 residents. The numerical increase in the foreign-born population between 1990-2000 was 11.3 million, which demonstrates that the average increase over that period has been more than one million per year. The more than 50 percent surge in the immigrant population was much higher than the 9.3 percent increase in the native-born population. This is why the foreign-born population share increased from 9.7 percent to 11.1 percent.
The 2000 Census recorded that 13,178,276 of the country's foreign-born residents had entered the country during the previous ten years - an average of 1.3 million increase per year. This constituted 42.4 percent of the foreign-born population. An indicator of the change the country is experiencing as a result of mass immigration may be seen in 2000 Census data on language spoken at home. The data show that compared to the 1990 Census finding that 13.8 percent of the population over 5-yrs. old spoke a language other than English at home, in 2000 that share had risen to 17.6 percent. Among the non-English speakers at home, those who spoke Spanish rose from 54.5 percent in 1990 to 59.6 percent in 2000. Less than half (45.4%) of those who said they spoke a language other than English at home in 2000 also said they spoke English less than very well.