Four Other Slave States example essay topic
Booths was in the barn with David E. Harold and he told the general in command that their plan was to kidnap president Lincoln not to kill him and that Booth took it a pon him self to kill him, he also stated that if he didn't help him escape Booth was going to kill him as well. Later the solders discovered that Booth was shoot in the neck by a detective in the barn. As you can see Abarham Lincoln was assassinated by Booth for his position but he took the easy was out by death even though he didn't kill himself but he didn't have to go through the system and in the other hand Mr. Harold escaped and was not given any charge what so ever. There are other theories about Lincoln's death and much of them accused Andrew Jackson because he was never in the hotel room with Lincoln nor was his secretary and that lead to some sort of conspiracy. Also others say that the assassination also could have been caused by Domestic bankers, Financiers and business men, Copper heads, some group of the Radical Republicans that could have either done it on their own or with the help of Edwin Stan on.
There are even suspicion about the B'nail B'rith and the Nights of the Golden Circle, as well the major known as Henry R. Rathbone, John F. Parker and last but not least Mary Todd Lincoln which has not totally been eliminated from suspicion. Mary Todd Lincoln was Lincoln's wife she married him when she was a nobody she didn't get in to her profession. Know the suspicions came because when Abarham got elected in 1860, many justification were made because of the movement her husband was making, which was making allies with the African Americans and threats were made and many nasty rumors were made with were very personal. I guess she had just about enough and wanted to have and gain her respect back. Her son was death in 1862 drove her even more insane. Then her other son pasted away in 1871 and she just freaked and all that was in her mind was illusions of murder and other properties that drove her mad.
And then she died in the house of her sister, in Spring field where she got married with Mr. Lincoln 40 years before. Abraham lincoln really stood for the Union. At this time the civil war was just going to start because of the surrender on Fort Sumter about four slave states joined voluntary with 75,000 others they joined the Confederacy the only other bad out come was that four other slave states stayed with the Union. For the Conferral group he promised a Emancipation Proclamation to free all slaves, not all slaves were freed but many were and the reason for it was because it depended on the state were they worked lived because many states were fighting age nist the Union; nor did it work for the slaves that lived in the south which were already under the Union control.
Lincoln declared the freedom of slaves on January 1, of 1863, from the rebellion of and against the federal government and showed the world that the civil war was being fought to end slavery. If it wasn't for the 13th Amendment non of the movement's would have been successful. Now I will discus the Civil War and why was the war happened. The war was the war to decide whether the unlined Union would continue or be shattered forever. This War was the only war where the Americans became so an gre with the legal and political system and the only way they thought they could have ended and resolve their differences was by war. I think that the war could have be avoided if they had different people in power and if the election had better leaders.
One of the big offends ions was the book named Uncle Toms Cabin, the reason for that is because of the in pact it did to the slaves during that time. THe book was a top seller but many lives were insulted, and the lives were of those African Americans. The book was mostly lies about how the slaves were treated. In conclusion i have learned more about how Abarham Lincoln effected the slaves and how he made such a large difference in the world and in the lives of the African American community. I also feel that president Lincoln should have tooke n his actions more carefully for the people and for his family. Let him rest in peace..