Frankie's Mother And Father example essay topic

708 words
Angela's Ashes Exposition: Characters: Francis McCourt- protagonist Malachy McCourt (father) - antagonist Angela McCourt (mother) - protagonist Malachy McCourt (brother) - protagonist Michael McCourt (brother) - static Alphie McCourt (brother) - static The Abbot (uncle) - protagonist Uncle Pa Keating (uncle) - protagonist Aunt Aggie (aunt) - antagonist Setting: In the poor part of Limerick, Ireland around 1938. Rising Action: 1. Frankie's father, Malachy, lost his job in America. There is no money left in the family and they are living a poor and unhappy life without enough money to live. They are depending on the government to help them. 2.

Frankie's mother has a baby, Margaret. Because of the lack of money the family can " teat and keep the children healthy. Margaret, the only girl dies and Frankie's mother and father are very unhappy. They go through hard times because of their loss. 3. Frankie's mother's cousins write a letter to Angela's mother.

She sends them money for the fee to come back to Limerick, Ireland. They go back and have to live with Angela " smother because of the low supply of money. She later tells them they have to find there own home. 4. Frankie and his brother, Malachy, go to Leamy's School. Because their father can't find a job they are but on the dole.

They get money but not very much. One of the twins dies and leaves the other one longing for him. In about a week the other one dies. 5. Frankie and his family are left with only two children now his self and his younger brother.

His mother has another child, Michael, then another, Alphie. Their father goes to fight in the war, in England. 6. Frankie's father is in England and he doesn't send the money. Frankie, his mother, and two brothers are in Ireland without money.

Frankie, being the oldest man has to go look for food and ends up stealing because of the lack of money. 7. Angela, Frankie's mother get sick and has to stay in bed. She can't pay the rent because there is no money. The landlord evicts them. They go and live with a man that has some extra space, that Angela's mother knew.

8. About a week later Angela's mother dies. The man They are living with starts to complain that he is giving them free housing. Frankie runs away after he hits him, to live with his uncle, the Abbot. Climax: Man vs. Destiny Frankie's father doesn't have a job and when he gets the wages for the week he goes to the local pub and drinks them away.

At home his wife and four sons are hungry and have to go to sleep with only a piece of bread and a cup of tea in their stomachs. Later, their father comes home singing while he is drunk with no money. He wakes up the boys and make them promise to die for Ireland. After the father goes to fight in the war Frankie is with his mom, they move and Frankie runs away. Falling Action: Frankie gets a job at the post office. He later gets fired and finds another job at a place and he delivers letters.

Frankie's moves in with the Abbot. Later, his mother and three brothers move in with him because they couldn't stand the man and his requests that they were living with. Frankie helps his other and she gets a job also. They both support the family. Frankie gets a side job and saves all the money up for his fair to go to America. Resolution: Frankie saves up enough money to go to America.

He has second thoughts about going and thinks about waiting. He gets his place on the boat and his family has a party for him. Frankie leaves on the boat and arrives in America to start a new life and look for more opportunities.