Friction For Innovation example essay topic

484 words
This article describes how an organization can promote or discourage innovation. It depicts how establishing an environment that procreates new ideas and implementing them, enables a company to achieve strategic goals. It states that laying the groundwork for innovation is the initial stage in creating this type of environment. It further notes that friction will be created in the foundation. Therefore, managing conflicts is the significant part of achieving the strategic goals. The article discloses how laying the groundwork is an instrumental part of innovation.

The first hurdle to cross in innovation is getting past the thought of one person working alone can generate creativity and inspiration. In today's environment, this type of thought hampers innovation. The article states that forming teams is a good way of laying the foundation because highly innovative people will usually have many perspectives on problem solving. Groups will collect great ideas and combine them in an unusual way. The different thinking styles of the group generally contribute to the ability of thinking outside of the box. successful groups are formed of people with diverse backgrounds, which have the ability to create friction. Once the teams based on differences are formed, the act of managing conflicts for innovation is then introduced.

This part of the innovation process is extremely important because groups with diverse backgrounds usually result I friction. However, friction does not have to be a bad thing. In fact, it can help an organization stay on the cutting edge of its industry. Nonetheless, what is required is channeling that friction in the right direction to fuel an organizations innovation. Having many topics is one way of managing conflicts because it generates discussion and produces original ideas. Leadership style is another way of managing conflicts.

It is noted that leaders with a command and control style usually make team members feel powerless. This style is ineffective because energy is diverted to power struggles and attaining personal goals instead of achieving a common goal. The best style of leadership, as depicted by the writer, in an innovative culture is one that creates a balance of power. It is understood that the ultimate decision lies with the CEO, however each member of the management team is responsible for defined areas. This style keeps all the members involved and committed to the common goal. An organization with an innovative culture in today's market place is usually successful.

It incorporates all the members of the team. It gives them the sense of being listen to and belonging. Once the foundation is laid, an atmosphere of friction is generally created. It is then important for the organization to manage the friction for innovation. Successfully managing it can create an excitement of an effective innovated organization.