Gale And Brian example essay topic

610 words
Brian's Song This is a true story about how 2 men, Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers, completely different from each other from and bond. The 2 men are separated by about everything that you can think of: they come from 2 different parts of the country, one is white, one is black, 1 liked to talk, the other was shy. Pretty much the only thing they had in common was that they both were competing for the same job. This book takes place in and around the Chicago area. Gale and Brian are both trying to get the spot as the Chicago Bears starting halfback. They both are rookies.

The book begins on the training camp field of the Chicago Bears. Gale pulls up in a taxi. Brian immediately comes up to him and greets him. Brian tells Gale to go talk to Halas (Bears Head Coach). Brian also tells Gale that Halas is deaf in his left ear so stay on the right side when he is talking to him. Gale proceeds to go to the coaches office.

When Halal and Gale are speaking Gale keeps to get to the coaches right ear. Halas notices this awkward behavior and asked him what he is doin. he almost tells his coach but he has realized he has gotten tricked. Next, the team is in the dining hall when Brian is volunteered by a coach to sing his (Wake Forest) fight song. This is how the books gets its title. I fast forward to after practice JC Caroline has to have a meeting with Gale. He notifies Gale the him and Brian will be rooming together.

This would be the first time in Bears His troy a black and white man had roomed together. Brian is existed about the news. Gale on the other hand doesn't seem to happy. Both of the men are called won to Hallas's office where they relieve the good new, they both have made the team. Gale finds out he is the starter. Brian has to settle for second string.

During the middle of the year, a happens. Gale blows his knee. Brian is devastated by this and is very angry that he is first string under such. Brian trys to help Gale train to get back to one hundred percent. Finally, Brian gets Gale back to a hundred percent. Coach has a private meeting with the 2 men.

He tells them that Gale will be the starting halfback and Brian will start at fullback. After that they way in. Coach is really worried about Brian. Brian keeps losing weight and speed. Brian's performance continues to diminish. It gets so bad he loses the job as the starting fullback.

Brian is getting sick but he doesn't want to admit it to anyone. The coach tells him to see a doctor immediately. When the reports come back, they see that Brian has cancer. He has to have an operation and have part of his right lung removed. Gale is devastated by this horrifying news. Gale comes to the hospital and visits Brian about every day.

He always keeps in touch with him but there is nothing he can do because the cancer has taken too much of Brian. Brian didn't win his battle with cancer. He was survived by his wife and three daughters. Brian Piccolo was 26 when he past away.