Garbage In Open Dumps Causes Air Pollution example essay topic

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Some decades ago, before the industrial revolution, was a time when the air was fresh, the rivers fit to drink, the grass was greener, and the sky more blue. People didn't realize how lucky they were to have clean air to breathe, and to have an environment free of pollution. Little did they know that within a few decades, clean air would be a topic people would talk about as if it were something that didn't exist. As industries were slowly built, people started inventing things to make their lives easier. What they didn't realize was that the things they were inventing, such as cars, were going to contribute to the destruction of the earth. One ironic example, given about the effects of industrialization on pollution, is the introduction of the vacuum cleaner.

Before the vacuum cleaner was invented, house wives would have to clean the whole house by hand, which would take a long time. Then one wife bought a vacuum cleaner and started cleaning her house with it. The other house wives noticed how easy it was for her to clean her house, so they all bought vacuum cleaners to clean their own houses. Then, since the number of homes using vacuum cleaners had increased, electric consumption increased as well. With and increase in consumption, the electric company had to increase production.

In generating more electricity, which was made by burning fossil fuels, the electric company introduced more waste byproducts into the air. This meant more soot in the air which meant more soot to dirty homes. So ultimately, the house wives had to do extra cleaning, just to compensate for using an easier method of cleaning. Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment.

It is a major problem in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, as well as the other countries of the world. Pollution not only damages the environment, but damages us as human beings. It has caused many problems ranging from lung cancer to the greenhouse effect. It is everywhere, but we ignore it and continue to live in our own filth. What is the reason behind this flawed logic? In this paper I will examine some problems and solutions about this issue.

There are many different types of environmental pollution (e.g. Water, air, atmospheric.) Automobiles are undeniably the greatest source of pollution. The noise pollution created by cars is immense. Another polluting effect of cars is the heat it creates. This heat makes it unpleasant to be near the car while it's running. And of course the most famous of the automobiles evils is the exhaust. The toxic fumes given off as a byproduct of the combustion engine are slowly deteriorating our lungs and our atmosphere.

The exhaust is extremely toxic to human beings. But why do we do continue to drive these poisonous crates? Some people say it is progress in the name of convenience. Why walk four miles in four hours when you can drive four miles in four minutes?

Another popular source of waste is the post-consumer market. People throw away millions of tons of garbage each year, and this trash has to go somewhere. While there are projects underway to clean and reuse this trash, most of it gets dumped into huge landfills. These landfills are disgusting, festering, blisters on our country's landscape. But people continue to consume and throw away more and more in the name of convenience. As they see it, when things get old, throw it away and get a new one.

They blame the government for the trash problem, but the true blame should be placed on themselves. The last great source of pollution lays in the factories. Although not common, businesses have been known to dump their waste products into streams, lakes, and rivers. This may seem like a relatively small occurrence that really is not your concern, but you " re wrong. Each time one of these companies pollutes, there are horrible consequences to pay. Mutations, destroyed ecosystems, and human death have all occurred as a direct result of illegal dumping.

It contaminates our drinking water and soil. It causes entire communities of humans (not to mention animals) to move on to new places and not return for at least a century. The pollutants dumped by industry are so concentrated that a single barrel can destroy an entire lake's ecosystem. Not only do companies dump chemicals, but also hot water. This hot water kills most life it comes into contact with, and also causes an overgrowth of algae that covers the surface of the lake or pond. This prevents sunlight from reaching the bottom.

Without sunlight, the plant life cannot grow, the small bacteria and other microorganisms can't grow, and the fish can't feed which ultimately means the ecosystem dies. Our environment plays a major factor in our life today. Many of us don't take our Earth seriously and think that as long as pollution doesn't hurt them they can go ahead and throw garbage on the ground or spill oil down the drain. Well, to the many people who have that theory, you are killing off our Earth and also, physically harming yourselves from the air you breathe to the water you drink and swim in. Our Earth is as fragile as any human but people don't know it. Scientists believe that all cities with populations exceeding 50,000 have some degree of air pollution.

Burning garbage in open dumps causes air pollution, and also smells pretty bad. Air pollution comes from many different sources. One of the major sources is carbon monoxide which mainly comes from automobiles, but also comes from the burning of fossil fuels, and the use of CFCs etc. Air pollution does not leave the Earth. It gets trapped up in the atmosphere. This doesn't bother most people.

They think that it will not harm them. People burn down entire forests, burn fossil fuels, and use CFCs from aerosols. Every bit of this harms our atmosphere. Factories and transportation depend on huge amounts of energy; to supply this, billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year. When these fuels burn they introduce smoke and other, less visible by-products into the atmosphere. Although wind and rain occasionally wash away the smoke given off by power plants and automobiles, the cumulative effect of air pollution poses a grave threat to humans and the environment.

An excellent example of the cumulative effect of air pollution is the smog is Los Angeles, U.S.A. You can see the smog just hovering above the city. I don't think any human alive should be subject to that kind of environment. Burning garbage in open dumps causes air pollution. Scientists have discovered that over the South Pole are some areas of high level ozone depletion. A computer-enhanced map, taken from satellite observations of ozone levels in the atmosphere over the South Pole, shows the region of ozone depletion that has begun to appear each spring over Antarctica. When you look at this picture you can see the big red spot right above the South Pole.

If this hole grows, dangerous and deadly UV Rays from the sun will come into Earth. Air pollution causes global warming which scientists believe is making the Earth warmer and melting ice in the South and North polar caps. Due to this many cities are becoming flooded every year due to rising sea levels. For example, the country Holland, which has one of the most advanced canal systems in the world, has had water from high ocean levels flood towns. Holland has spent millions of dollars to put up "dikes" which are big barriers in the water to prevent their towns from being completely submerged. With the ocean getting deeper, coastal cites all around the world could become flooded.

Billions of dollars will be spent to try to prevent it. But eventually, it can't be stopped. Instead of waiting and wasting all this money why don't we address the problem today and try different ways of preventing air pollution? It would be much easier than all the trouble of stopping floods, because this issue is like a snowball rolling down a hill, getting bigger and bigger as it comes down. Right now the problem is small, but who knows, in a few years it may become too big for us to handle. We should try to fix it today.

Water pollution is another major aspect of environmental pollution. Water pollution is scary because over 75% of our Earth is covered by water. Water pollution comes from many different sources around the world. One major pollutant that destroys the ocean is oil spills. The oil from an oil spill kills hundreds of sea animals from fishes and whales to birds. Over a million tons of oil has been spilled into the ocean, and we are not able to clean all the oil out.

Most of the oil stays on the surface so when fish come up to the surface they get the oil on their body, in their gills and into their bodies. When birds land on the water to catch fish or take a break, the oil gets on their feathers and they are too weighted down to fly off. They get too tired and just die from becoming either poisoned by the oil or from drowning in the sea because they can't fly. Another way our ocean is polluted is also from humans.

We litter the ocean with garbage from boats and we pour oil down the storm drains. All the garbage is spread throughout the ocean and it poisons the animals or fish, and the birds get caught in it. There are many different things that can hurt the sea life. From what is mentioned above you can see the way the fish in the sea are affected by our actions.

Pollution in the sea also affects the food chain. Fish, and other organisms die off then other fish can't feed off the extinct fish, and so on. Preventing water pollution is such a very easy task. People just have to be aware of what they throw in the water.

They can save their garbage until they find a garbage can instead of throwing it in the water. Lots of companies and industries have to dispose of their wastes properly instead of dumping them into the seas or oceans. Oil companies should take adequate measures to make their ships stronger so there are less oil spills in the waters of the earth. I think that all kinds of environmental pollution can be stopped if we all use our heads and just think before we throw a piece of trash on the ground, how hard would it be to throw it into a nearby garbage can?

We should look at our Earth as a precious human being and treat it as if it were a child of our own. We should not destroy it and take advantage of it. If we abuse our Earth now who knows how it will get back at us in the future. Saving the Earth is such a simple task that I think everyone should be involved, rich or poor.

If we don't save our Earth now someday it will be too late. There are programs out there that try to save the Earth, but not enough people participate in these programs. If more people supported and joined these programs maybe our world wouldn't be in such danger of dying. If our Earth dies it will surely take us all with it. Environmental Pollution, like any other problem can be solved, but this is a long process. Individuals can do their part to save the environment as well as themselves.

Instead of driving, take the bus or any other method of mass transit. This will cut down on pollution made by cars each year, not to mention your gas bill. When it comes to the trash problem, take the time to sort your trash and place it in the appropriate recycling bins. By recycling we reduce the amount of waste piled into the landfills.

As for consumption, pay attention to how the products you buy are manufactured and how they are packaged. Avoid those products made in 'unfriendly' ways towards our mother earth. If a product encourages the destruction of land, or is of completely no use, don't buy it. And finally voice your opinion in the polls.

If each individual did their part, we will be creating a better world for ourselves as well as for our children.