Gender Role Beliefs From Attitudes Toward Homosexuality example essay topic

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In a recent meta-analysis by Kite and Whitley in 1996, it was confirmed that men hold more negative attitudes toward homosexuality than do women. They also determined that men's attitudes toward homosexuality are particularly negative when the person being rated is a gay man rather than a lesbian. Their review of the literature also highlighted the complex nature of attitudes toward homosexuality noted by others. In order to understand the constructive attitudes of homosexuality, there are several factors that include beliefs that gay people are threatening or dangerous, etc. I reviewed Milldam, San Miguel, & Kellogg, 1976; Plasek & Allard, 1984.

These complexities, and how they influence sex differences in attitudes toward homosexuality, remain largely unexplored. The present research examines two issues: (1) whether sex differences in attitudes toward homosexuality vary by attitude component and (2) whether, within each component, the sex of the person being rated influences these attitudes. Kite and Whitley's (1996) have reviewed data that heterosexuals' evaluations of gay men and lesbians are influenced by a generalized gender belief system. According to this model, we as humans have already have characterized gender reflect the belief that gender-associated attributes are bipolar: What is masculine is not feminine and vice versa. We also tend to possess stereotypically masculine physical characteristics and to adopt stereotypically masculine roles. Similarly, the knowledge that a person is stereotypically feminine on one dimension leads to the inference that the person is stereotypically feminine on other dimensions I think that as a society, our beliefs about homosexuality are influenced by a gender belief system.

Men are in stereotypically feminine terms are more likely to be judged homosexual than are men described in stereotypically masculine terms. At a lesser note, women are described too as stereotypes in masculine terms and are judged lesbian than women described in stereotypically feminine terms In some gender-based judgments of gay people reflect the belief that male homosexuals are similar to female heterosexuals and that female homosexuals are similar to male heterosexuals (e. g., Kite & Deaux, 1987; Storms, Stivers, Lambers, & Hill, 1981). As Kite (1994) has argued, separating gender-role beliefs from attitudes toward homosexuality is extremely difficult and perhaps impossible. If gender-role beliefs influence people's perceptions of homosexuality, why would the sexes differ in their evaluations of gay people?

One explanation comes from considering the consequences of men's versus women's gender-role violations. Although all sex-role deviants are disliked relative to gender-role conformists In contrast, women are allowed more fluid gender roles and are less likely to perceive pressure to reject gender-role nonconformists. That society responds differently to men's and women's gender-role nonconformity can be explained by the generally higher status associated with the American male gender role compared with the American female gender role As a dominant still man society, men have more to lose if they are viewed as gay, versus lesbians. Women lesbians may be allowed greater gender role flexibility and may be allowed to hold more tolerant. This should be true regardless of the sex of the gender-role violator. The gender role analysis leads to feelings that men will be especially condemning of gay men, who violate the male gender role.

In most cases, men to respond negatively toward gay men In contract, gay men may see lesbianism in erotic terms, and the positive value associated with this eroticism may positively influence their attitudes toward lesbians (Louderback & Whitley, 1997). In general, women's roles are viewed as lower in status than are men's, prejudice toward lesbians should not be as strongly culturally sanctioned as is prejudice toward gay men. Therefore, both sexes may be relatively accepting of lesbians. We must under the literature and attitudes toward. One important aspect of the present research is to consider sex differences in attitudes toward lesbians and gay men and to examine systematically whether the pattern of the interaction between the sex of rater and the sex of target varies by attitude component. Sex Differences in Attitude Components Kite and Whitley (1996) argued that gender-associated beliefs should be more likely to influence some components of attitudes toward homosexuality than other components.

The results of their meta-analysis showed that ratings of homosexual persons appeared to be based on the gender belief system. In contrast, they argued that the failure to find sex differences in attitudes toward homosexual civil rights occurred because people's ratings on those dimensions were influenced by more global beliefs about civil rights than about gender roles per se. Because attitudes toward homosexuality may serve different functions for different people (e. g., Herek, 1986 b), and because different types of judgments about an attitude object can be based on different sources of information (e. g., Esses, Haddock, & Zanna, 1993), a gender role analysis might not be the best theoretical framework for all components of attitudes toward homosexuality. For example, heterosexuals' attitudes toward contact with gay people may be explained by a psycho dynamic perspective, which posits that intolerance for homosexuality stems from repression or denial of one's own sexual or homosexual impulses.

In order to examine these possibilities, there are several scales to measure attitudes toward homosexuality summarized by Be ere (1990). We expected that when the attitude was based on gender-role beliefs, the sex difference would be most pronounced. Gender-role beliefs might be reflected in two components of attitudes toward homosexuality: the morality of homosexuality and a generalized condemnation of homosexual persons. These items tap beliefs that homosexuals threaten the social order, such as the institution of the family and American youth, and that gay people are deviant and deserve rejection. Although negative attitudes on these components might also be linked to religious beliefs (Batson & Burris, 1994; Herek, 1988) or to more conservative attitudes in general (Whitley, 1987), these perspectives do not explain why gay men are especially derogated compared with lesbians. Items as similar to those represented in Kite and Whitley's (1996) analysis of attitudes toward homosexual persons; we find that men's ratings are more negative than women's on these items, particularly when the target is a gay man.

I believe also an assessment of homosexuals' civil rights, expecting (again, following Kite and Whitley) that attitudes toward this dimension would be based on broader beliefs. Women and men would be equally accepting of those rights for both gay men and lesbians. In summary, we need to try and not to stereotype that when a man speaks softly, this does mean that he is gay, the same when a woman speaks tough, this does not mean she is a lesbian. I try to believe that even if someone is gay or lesbian that they have a heart and soul like everyone else in the world. It could be genetic or it could be because they didn't have a father figure in their life that the man is nice and is labeled as gay. In other cases, we should not make fun of gays and lesbians.

They are people too. I know a priest who is of Irish descent. Most Irish do not like gays / lesbians. However, this priest I know thinks that all people need to be treated fairly. In case of the boy who got killed in the bay area sometime ago, he dressed up like a girl and pretended to be a tough boy's boyfriend. Did "Eddy", his name does this against the other boy.

Did he like dressing up like a girl. What was his motive? This should have not happened. However, the masculine side of men do not want their tough side invaded they way I see it. This was a thought subject to write about, but I felt that the issue of gender with being Gay and Lesbian needed to be written.


Batson & Burris, 1994;
Herek, 1988 Esses, Haddock, & Zanna, 1993 web essex.
htmlHerek, 1986 b web & Deaux, 1987;
Storms, Stivers, Lambers, & Hill, 1981 web fall 01/stereotyping.
htm web Louderback & Whitley, 1997 web &s keyword = &teaser = Kite and Whitley psychology.
uc davis. edu / Rainbow/ html / pop 2002.
pdfMillham, San Miguel, & Kellogg, 1976;
Plasek & Allard, 1984 web 1987.