Girls Or Guys example essay topic

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? HAVE YOU EVER... 1. Kissed your cousin: on the cheeks 2. Ran away: No but when I was younger I wanted to a few times.

3. Pictured your crush naked: Yes 4. Actually seen your crush naked: Yes 5. Broken someone's heart: I'm afraid of my response. 6.

Been in love: Yes 7. Cried when someone died: Yes i have 8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yes. 9. Broken a bone: I kicked a wall once and broke a bunch of toes. 10.

Drank alcohol: yeah 11. Lied: when it was necessary 12. Cried in school: a few times in high school. all the time in college. j / k but... yeah.? WHICH IS BETTER 13. COKE OR PEPSI: diet coke 14. SPRITE OR 7 UP: neither 15.

GIRLS OR GUYS: guys {but girls are okay} 16. FLOWERS OR CANDY: Flowers, please. 17. SCRUFF OR CLEAN SHAVEN: clean shaven 18.

QUIET OR LOUD: Quiet 19. BLONDES OR BRUNETTES: brunettes 20. BITCHY OR SLUTTY: Bitchy 21. TALL OR SHORT: tall 22. PANTS OR SHORTS: Never shorts for me.?

RANDOM QUESTIONS 23. WHAT DO YOU NOTICE FIRST ABOUT A GUY: Hair, face, lips, body 24. LAST PERSON YOU SLOW DANCED WITH: tom. 25. WORST QUESTION TO ASK: "tell me what you " re thinking" 26. SHOWERED: this morning.

27. HAD SEX: last Friday night. 28. HAD A GREAT TIME WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX: Saturday.? WHAT IS... 29.

YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM: Don't really have one. 30. PERSON YOU HATE MOST: I don't think I really hate anybody 31. THE BEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU TODAY: I got to relax all day because it's Sunday!

32. YOUR FAVOURITE COLOR: blue and orange 33. MOVIE: there's alot 34. BOOK: i'm not sure. 35.

SUBJECT IN SCHOOL: psychology and sociology. 36. JUICE: Dole's Paradise blend 37. CARS: I love my Mazda Protege... and I miss her too!! Minnie the Mazda 38. ICE CREAM: y u I love the soy almond vanilla ice cream from Veggie Heaven, it's's creamy and good in my belly... but I also love mint chocolate chip and cookie dough and phish food and's much more.

39. HOLIDAY: Thanksgiving (but Not for the food), Halloween and my birthday. 40. SEASON: Fall. I'm so excited about where I am living for this fall. (most beautiful scenery ever) 41. BREAKFAST FOOD: Breakfast is my favorite.

Cereal of all types. Peanut butter on everything. Bagels. English Muffins. Muffins. stuff. 42.

PLACE TO GO WITH YOUR HONEY: out to a romantic dinner or for a walk. 43. MAKES YOU LAUGH THE MOST: a lot of people do: ) 44. MAKES YOU SMILE: Seeing small things. 45. GIVES YOU A FUNNY FEELING WHEN YOU TALK TO THEM: somebody 46.

HAS A CRUSH ON YOU: I don't want to talk about this. 47. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON: ohh yeah? 48.



SAVE E-MAILS: Yes, I've saved every e-mail from my brother Ross who is in Afghanistan. 53. WISH YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE: Yeah. 54. WISH YOU WERE A MEMBER OF THE OPPOSITE SEX: No. 55. CRIED BECAUSE OF SOMEONE'S MEAN WORDS: Yeah.?

BEST 56. COLOGNE: i love cologne... i'm not sure of my fave though. 57. PERFUME: gucci rush, ellen tracey, ralph lauren romance, 58. KISS: soft, passionate, eyes closed, some tongue, lots of lips. 59.

ROMANTIC MEMORY: i have a LOT. 60. MOST RECENT ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU: "just wait and see what happens"? HAVE YOU: 61. Fallen for your best friend? : no 62. Made out w / JUST a friend? : yes 63.

Been rejected? : yes. on valentines day once. 64. Been in love? : Yes.

65. Been in lust? : probably. 66. Used someone? : never. that's horrible.

67. Been used? : probably. 68. Cheated on someone? : never.

69. Been cheated on? : yes. 70. Been kissed? : yes 71. Done something you regret? : yeah... ?

Who was the last person... 72. You touched? : joe 73. You talked to? : My roommate Monica 74. You hugged? : matt 75.

You instant messaged? : I can't remember. 76. You kissed? : tom. 77. You had sex with? : tom.

78. You yelled at? : myself 79. You laughed with? : some girls in the study lounge. 80. Who broke your heart? : myself 81. Who told you they loved you? : tom?

Do you... 82. Color your hair? : never. 83.

Have tattoos? : nope 84. Have piercings? : 2 in each of my ears. 85. Have a boyfriend / girlfriend /both? : no 86.

Own a webcam? : yeah i love it 87. Own a thong? : alls i wear!! 88. Ever get off the damn computer? : sometimes. it's hard in college, because it's just always THERE! 89. Sprechen sie deutsche?

: I can say one phrase in dutch "LAT MA A LANE" Leave me Alone!! 90. Habla espanol? : si, un poco. 91.

Quack? : only on wednesdays!? (Have you / do you / are you... ) 92. Stolen anything? : yes 93.

Smoke? : cigarettes are the worst things EVER 94. Schizophrenic? : hope not. 95. Obsessive? : sometimes. yeah. i am.

96. Compulsive? : nope 97. Obsessive compulsive? : not really. 98. Panic? : sorta 99.

Anxiety? : sorta 100. Depressed? : sorta 101. Suicidal? : no. 102. Obsessed with hate? : no 103. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? : Al Gore, yeah... every night, baby.

104. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? : I'd do Al. 105.

If you could be anywhere, where would you be? : So many places. Oh so many places. With my brother in Afghanistan, with my sister in California, with my parents in Fair Lawn, with Tom in fair Lawn, with Katja in Boston. Everyone is so far apart. 106.

Can you do anything freakish with your body? : I have a very long tongue. 107. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others: Lips and eyes.

108. vote for a woman candidate for president? : I wish this will happen someday soon. 109. Would you marry for money? : never 110.

Have you had braces? : nope 111. Do you pluck your eyebrows? : yes, sometimes. 113. When was the last time you had a hickey? : over the summer?

114. Could you live without a computer? : no 115. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc... ? : AIM 116. If so, how many people are on your list (s)?

: 43+22+11 117. If you could live in any past, where would it be? : During the American Civil War or a teenager during the 60's. 118. Do you wear white socks? : yes when i'm not wearing saddles 119. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?

: No Shoes! 120. What is your favorite fruit? : strawberries 121. Do you eat wheat bread or white? : Wheat 122. What is your favorite place to visit?

: California and florida 123. What is the last movie you saw? : a little bit of Breakfast Club. 124. Do you kiss on the first date? : hi 125.

Are you photogenic? : sometimes. 126. Do you dream in color or black and white? : i can never remember. 127. Are you wearing fingernail polish? : i'm only a little bit Polish 128. Is it chipped or fresh? : there is none 129.

Do you have any dimples? : nope. parent's must not have had sex during pregnancy! 130. Do you remember being born? : I Wish I did! 131. Why do you take surveys?

: I usually don't. But i'm bored. 132. Do you drink alcohol? : not really, no.