Global Market And Its Economy example essay topic

792 words
Between the times when the United States declared its independent from Great Britain until WWI, the US isolated itself from the rest of the world (Brinkley 604). This had all changed right after WWI where we became much more involve in the world, taking on lead roles in all international events or international crisis, for example the Vietnam war, the Persian Gulf war, and last but not least the recent war Afghanistan and Iraq; which still continues today. Today the United States continue to secure its title as the world leader, and continue to lead the world in all major aspects; military, economy and cultures. Of course, without the supports of the economy it is quite impossible to fund the military, or programs to research technologies. Even though compared to China's population the United States is considerably undersized, although this is true, The United States is the world's largest economy with an annual gross domestic product (GDP) of more than $10.2 trillion (Greenberg 545). This gave United States the necessary funding for the government (through taxation) of the United States to fund: wars, weapon research programs, the public school systems, and the likes.

The United States housed the largest global industries especially in telecommunications, computers, and transportation, all which of which can be found almost anywhere in the world today. Many major American companies had established its factories all over the world and are selling its products abroad. This, in turn gives America the access to the global market. With the access to the global market US can influence the global economy, and as of today it had dominated the global market and its economy. According to Wilkiepedia Encyclopedia, in the 2004 tsunami of Southeast Asia, the US itself donated $950 millions in US dollars to help restore and support those affected by the devastating tsunami. This was all possible because the US has the resources and funding through its vast economy to support this type of program.

Not only did the US provided resources for the tsunami victims, but it also dispatched its preeminent navy forces to help clean up, and pump clean water supply to all the affect regions, all along the coast of those majority affected countries, no other country in the humanitarian process were able to contributed like United States did. The United States' enormous economy enables it to fund the most powerful armed forces in the world. The nation's annual military spending averages at $369 billions as of 2002 on just national defenses (Greenberg 546). How many countries in the world today, can afford to fund this type of military spending yearly?

The answer is none. The US currently owned the most highly technological advanced weapons in the world, capable of almost anything and can target any country with a press of a button. Although most country already acquired this type of technology, the US's is still the more dominating and with the most abundant in warheads. More importantly, The United States dominated all the world military powers over sea and aircraft capacity (Greenberg 546) no other country in the world is equal to that of the US in military forces. The American lifestyles and its prosperous economy attract people from all over the world. The United States today is mostly diverse in cultural ethnicities, this allow it the access to the world's market and further allows it to increase better relations with other country.

The vast diverse cultural ethnicity is party why English has become the international language; of the internet, business, science, and technology. American's lifestyles as well as technologies and ideologies attract those from foreign countries to become more Americanize, to adopt the American way of life. This allowed businesses to spread globally as did McDonald, KFC, Disney theme parks, and Hollywood movies, and attractions. United States diverse culture open up opportunities to the world global market and further enhance its economy, which in turn allows it to further fund and enhances its military powers or events similar to Iraq or Afghanistan. The United State remained as the only superpower in the world today.

No other nation in the world has the resources or the man power that can match that of the US. We are more superior militarily, wealthier, and we possesses the superior technologies that are capable of conquering the world, as well as the diverse culture to back it up. The United States had created a position for itself in the world that no country or countries dare to challenge. The US is and still is the world leader of today..