God's Good Works In The Everyday Miracles example essay topic

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Matthew 11: 20-30 Key Verse 11: 24 But I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgement than for you. The basic message in Matthew 11: 20-30 is to repent and rest. In verses 20-24, Jesus criticized many cities where most of his miracles took occurred because they did not repent their sins. He told them that because of their failure to resent, they would face a catastrophe much worse than what the city of Sodom experienced. Sodom was a city that was mentioned in the Old Testament as being an extremely sinful place. Unhappy with their disobedience to God, God showed his anger and wrath by destroying the city.

To warn that God would do something worse than this is bad. Real bad. Really, really bad. Why was Jesus angry with them Jesus was angered because he felt that the crowds who saw the miracles he performed saw him as a leader who did supernatural things.

He did not want the h's and h's of awe and amazement. All Jesus wanted was a commitment to follow God. That is a commitment that I am willing to make. Even though they may not be obvious, God still performs miracles today. These miracles may not be large out of the ordinary occurrences. The mere fact that we are able to live and breathe shows me the miracle of life.

I must realize to look less for the big miracle that only occurs once in awhile and pay more attention to the little things in life. I must show and reaffirm my commitment to God by opening my eyes and my heart to see God's good works in the everyday miracles that he performs. Most of all, I must realize that God is not a magician who seeks applause or a dog who performs tricks to seek the love of his master. In them ost simplest sense, God is God. In a way, all God's actions are miracles because the yare good works that show how powerful God is, and how much he exists in each of our lives. In addition to opening our eyes to see God's works, God also wants us to become good people.

Th first step to becoming good people is through repentance. For me, sometimes it is hard to repent. It is sometimes hard for me to admit my own faults. Sometimes when I do admit fault, I do not take full responsibility for my actions. Such ist he case whenever my sister and I do not get along. In the very few times that I have admitted fault, I will still claim that she started the fight first.

If I have this much trouble admitting fault to a human, I think it shows all the more that I have trouble admitting my faults to God. I feel so much lower than Him. I feel very shameful that I do not act in away that pleases him. The last thing I want to do is hurt the love he has for me. I do not want to feel God's wrath or have God destroy the world because of a few wrong actions that I have committed. God understands that no human is perfect.

What God expects, however, is for us is to admit our imperfections in order for us to be closer to his likeness. In keeping our commitment, it does not make us good people, but great people of God. Versus 25-20 is a personal message from Jesus to all of us. On our behalf, Jesus thanks God for showing us God's great works. Jesus tells us that He is God's son and that all God's actions are revealed to us through Him. Perhaps the most personal thing he said is in the last three verses: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. It is ironic how everything just happens to fall into place just as things are falling apart. Reading these last few statements struck a chord within me. For the last few weeks, Have been weary in exhaustion and burdened with stress. I have been in physically not good health.

Mentally, my confidence in myself has been greatly lowered. Emotionally, my heart has been shattered. I find myself falling apart rapidly in this harsh, cruel world. Find it real hard to see the goods in life when all that I see coming out of bad situations is more bad situations. The side that of me that has prevented me from self destruction has been my spiritual side.

Nowadays, I feel as though all I have left is God. The only thing Feel real confident of is that God is on my side and that he will always love me and be with me at all times. In Him, I find a sense of comfort that I do not think U have found with anyone else before. Because I know that he will always be there for me, I feel obliged to not let Him down. I will try my best to not let Him down. I will not drop dead and die.

Iwill not quit or succumb to my obstacles and hardships. It is because of my commitment to God that I will survive. One word: Come to me, and I will give you rest.