Good Law example essay topic

332 words
Well the three priority ='s that I will talk about are the ones that I thought about first. The first one is serving the people. The government must so a lot, I don = t think that people give them enough credit. They must serve the rich first because they give the most money.

They pay the highest taxes, and most of it isn = t for them. Maybe they can do more but they do what they can. I do believe that there is some people that do slack off, but I think that is because they feel that everyone had the same opportunity as they had to become successful. The government also has to make the laws.

But they not only have to make them, they have to make sure there even for everyone. For example in the 1960's they passed a law saying that everyone must past a test saying they can vote, that was a good law but the only problem was that the African American ='s didn = t have enough education to past the test. So when you go back and think about the law it wasn = t a good one, well it was to the white people. That was a bad law to make, but it is very hard to make laws that everyone likes. But I guess that is why they are in the government. The other thing is they have to govern the land.

I think they are doing a pretty good job at that. They are doing all they can in the places they can do them at. In Los Angeles they tried to help but we have stupid people that always mess it up. They would clean up the neighborhood and the next day someone would mess it up.

I = m pretty sure they get tired of doing that every month.