Good Without Evil example essay topic
For example if you " re driving along a street and you ran over a cat accidentally and killed it, that is not evil. Although being evil is unadmireable, it is necessary because without it there will be no good. How can one define good, without evil. Just as how can you have love without hate. It is just like yin and yang, evil balances out the good in this world. Although I am not glorying evilness, there is always some evil in everybody.
Where do we draw the line between evil and good? We can't. The boundary is based on one's opinions, usually dependent on religion, childhood, and mental prowess. Religious people might think stomping on a roach is so evil that you will go to hell, or people with a deprived childhood might think shooting dogs with homemade bolt guns is fun, like in the movie "The Good Son". Basically evil is based on each individual.