Government Of Canada example essay topic

768 words
Now that most Canadians have been aware about global warming, the government of Canada along with the United Nations Framework of Convention on Climate Change (UNF ) has implementing possible solutions to reduce the levels of gases being introduced in the environment. Established in nineteen ninety-seven in Japan, the Kyoto protocol main objectives were to make the issue of climate change well acknowledged, and also to have large industrial countries to reduce the amount of emission gases they produce. Mr. Chretien has decided to ratify Kyoto Protocol by the end of the year; however, there is not much time left. It is obvious that ratification of the protocol is desperately needed to protect global environment, however economic losses that Canadian economy will suffer make it much harder to ratify the protocol by the end of the year.

The Parliament will have only one month left to approve the protocol, because federal government needs at least one month to prepare draft plan for carrying out Kyoto agreement. This affects Canada a great deal because then the government has to regulate how much energy and gases can be used. Industrial, transportation, electrical and fossil fuel productions had the highest cases of emission gas releases in nineteen ninety-seven. Since the issue of the Kyoto Protocol, Canada is trying to cut down emission gases by twenty-six percent. Even recently, the Canadian government has put together an action plan so that they use renewable and alternative sources of energy that will not harm the environment as much.

What the government is trying to use for energy consists of solar rays, wind, hydroelectricity, and biomass energy to produce thermal energy without depleting natural resources or releasing toxic gas. With this new technology of alternative energy, Canada can continue to prosper while cutting down on harmful emission gases. Other than the government attempting to create new ways of reducing energy by investing a lot of money from their economic systems, education is somewhat overlooked. It is cost efficient long-term solution, which can be affected even with the littlest change that will make a big difference. What if Canadians choose not to act on these possible solutions, what would happen to the severity of Canada then? Perhaps total chaos would occur because the standard of living would decrease, and life would be difficult to sustain.

The most obvious threat of global warming is the depletion of the ozone layer, which could lead to cancer because the sun uva rays would be so strong. Unfortunately, that is not all; the loss of the ozone also means damaged crops, and heat waves, which can lead to over exertion or death. The polar ice caps would melt and therefore would increase sea levels. The coastal provinces would most likely be flooded, and in other parts of the world, a drought could occur. Canada alone could experience the temperature to rise between one and three and a half degrees, which will defiantly impact the fish population, forest, and agriculture, not to mention the people who depend on those resources. The government of Canada should do more to enforce these possible solutions to reduce emission gases, in order to prevent a terrible situation of global warming.

Recently at the UN Climate Summit in Hague, no parties could reach an agreement. Canada sided with the United States and Japan by arguing for large controversial loopholes that were incompatible with Europe's integrity. Canada, United States and Japan are all three of the most powerful developed nations, and it appears that they do not want to take responsibility for their countries actions? It seems that the consumption patterns and profit levels are blinding most Canadians about the danger of global warming. Canada is not invincible and therefore should be careful in planning and using excess energy. Every little drop of carbon dioxide, water vapor, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), nitrous oxide, and methane, adds up, and eventually makes its way into the atmosphere.

If only Canada could reduce emission gases by two percents a year, for ten years, seven thousand pounds of Carbon dioxide will be lost. That may not seem like a lot, but in time, it will make a huge difference in the fight against global climate change. With so many good things going on in Canada, it really is one of the best places to live in the world, and for those reasons, Canadians should do what ever it takes to keep it that way..