Grandmother's Waning Suggestion example essay topic

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A Good Man Is Hard To Find "Adversity defines the essence of who we are and who we desire to be!" This can be best realized in the rural southern regions of the United States during the late 19 forties and early fifties. Without a specific location of long-term concentration, this story finds three generations of a family taking a vacation (planning at least) to Florida despite objections from the grandmother. Factor in her impatient son (Bailey), his wife, and two smart-ass children have marginal respect for their grandmother resulting in a crew of authoritative, uncertainty, distant, and manipulative people about to engage on a trip that ends with certain doom for all with a twist indicative of self preservation and ironic irritation. Vacation time usually brings about excitement and enthusiasm. In this particular setting, a not so typical family, grandmother, and a stowaway feline eventually make Florida their destination choice.

The decision goes against the wishes of the grandmother who points out the fact that there is a fugitive loose and headed for a destination this family has seen before. As the trip ensues, they come across various sights indicative of the era of segregation and hard time. Pant less Negro children, plantation graveyards, and views of clouds during roadside lunch are just a few of the sights observed by this family on their doomed endeavor. What trip would be standard without sibling conflict between John and June?

Grandmother's memories of days gone by reflect on a man who used to bring her watermelon along with a sighing confirmation that she should have married him. Regret is never far away from her mind as daily events continue to consume her emotionally. The continued trip brings them to a roadside stop known as the tower. A full figured man known as Red Sammy who works as a truck mechanic greets them.

His tall wife prepares lunch and socializes with the wayward crew. Casual conversation initiated from Red's wife to June that concludes with a smart-ass response that is commonplace with the brat's demeanor. Red comes in to chat with the in transit family and relates with the grandmother's observation of how things have changed and folks just do not cohabit ate as social inter action was once upon a time. Grandmother at this point finds someone who can relate with how times change the manner in which people deal with daily occurrences, specifically noting social interactions. Perhaps lingering memories of times past allow grandmother to conclude that good men are hard to find.

While grandma comments that he is a good man, his wife comes to the table with the food and a contributing thought that no one can be trusted (as she looks at Red). To this point, even a routine stop for a bite to eat never escapes the harsh realities of the grandmother as she tries to deal with choices, and the resulting consequences from her youth. Conversation then shifts to the escaped convict known as the "misfit". Further conversation details how the misfit would frequent their establishment. While Red tells his wife to be quiet about the matter grandmother comments about Europe's contribution to problems referring to the way they (Europeans) act. Eventually the family finishes their lunch and continues on the way toward an abrupt end.

Red appears to be interested in simple mingling with their guest perhaps because of the family's choice to dine in their establishment. Their presence while welcomed simply is a transaction, nothing more or less. With the road trip resumed, grandmother thinks she has visited a plantation in the area. A successful effort to visit the plantation has its best chance by enticing the children's interest in the plantation. Continued conversation suggests the presence of a secret panel, a ploy surely to arouse curiosity from the children. With initial denial of the request, Bailey reluctantly and agitated, pull the car over.

Contributing factors consisted of the children harassing him that eventually led to the baby crying. One has to feel for Bailey as he probably enjoys the trip to this point the least. He has no choice to deal with the nagging bickering, and frustration as he has the chore of navigating the family on this doomed trek. With mild aggravation, Bailey drives down a winding and twisting road remotely traveled with scenic attributes. As the trip continues, Bailey considers and communicates to his mother that he will turn around if the house does not appear soon. Sudden memory confirms that the house was in Tennessee and the subsequent movement-based on slight embarrassment startles the cat that she had concealed before the trip began.

While grandma simply tries to hold on to something that peaks her interest in this trip, eagerness and revelation further stresses her son and startles the stowaway cat that should not have made the trip anyway. The cat proves to be the mechanism that turns an already hassle filled trip into a fate filled voyage. This starts chain of events that leads to cat on Bailey's neck, loss of control of the car, concluding with the car having rolled over. The accident results in the wife and baby getting thrown from the car. Once the dust settles, everyone is found to be in good order outside of the broken shoulder suffered by the mother.

In a weird revelation, the daughter (June) is disappointed because no one was hurt or killed. Grandmother crawls out of the car thinking she may have internal injuries. Grandma only considers her well-being and validates my observation of her selfish longings. The family observes a car coming from afar near the dark woods below the road.

Grandmother waves for help as the car gets closer and as the car approaches slowly, the car stops. Three men get out of the car with a menacing appearance and guns. The solemn and methodical driver is the oldest of the three men. As he corrects the children's synopsis of the accident, he along with the other men offers no help to the startled and scared family.

Tension surely presents itself as the appearance of the men and their precarious circumstance indicates an aura menace and potential foul play. A curious John asks about the gun and is greeted with a response suggesting escalating tension. The following instruction from the man to the mother to keep the children quiet and with her prompts June to sass him. A hysterical grandmother finally realizes and identifies the man as the "misfit". Bailey panics and cusses his mother out, suggesting they would have been better off if she had said nothing. Too much said at the worst of times as recognition suggests the beginning of the end for this wayward family.

For the reader, the contrast illustrates considerations of regret for Bailey for even taking his mother on the trip. Additionally, the change of events silenced the ill-manner children as they are probably horrified at this point. The grandmother's understanding of her current situation perhaps suggests that things of the past have little to do with the here and now. The grandmother attempts to draw out the gentlemen side of the man who is an escaped convict.

His gray-haired, smart, and cold appearance is polite but nonetheless suggests he can kill with little or no remorse. Grandmother's waning suggestion that he would not shoot a lady has little effect on the soon to be killer. A brief acknowledgement of being a beautiful day by the killer quickly shifts to Bailey as he suggests everyone in his soon to be departed family to be quiet. A truly horrific feeling of their demise takes its toll as the family surely recognizes nothing good will happen during the last moments of their lives.

Even so, grandma has the revelation that life does not revolve around her. She and her family are about to die! The Misfit instructs Bobby Lee, one of the younger men to take Bailey and his son over to the woods and kill them. Reluctantly, Bailey goes to the wood's edge and yells that he will be right back, knowing that unless divine intervention intercedes certain death is imminent. Even in these final moments, Bailey tries to calm the family's mind regardless of his predicament. Realizing what is about to happen, his mother yells for him to come back immediately.

Feverishly, she once again tried to reason with the misfit that he is a good person. His apology for not having a shirt on in front of the ladies validates his calm yet sinister intentions. The killer views this family no different from the rest of his victims. He only sees lives to consume. Alas, the possibility for another conquest presents itself. Bailey's wife asks about the location of her husband, sensing foul play.

The grandmother reconfirms the possibility of honesty existing inside of him (misfit). The concluding suggestions from her tell him that he could be honest, if he tried. A final inquiry from the grandmother asks if he prays. A pistol shots in the woods verifies the irrelevance of her question with an acknowledgement of earlier feats as a gospel singer.

Perhaps destiny is better enjoyed when favorable conclusions materialize. Irony always presents the considerations for contentment enjoyed in times past. The element in which this is realized needs no particular atmosphere or lessons learned from the revelation. Work Cited: O'Connor, F. (1955) a Good Man Is Hard To Find, San Diego, California: Harcourt Brace and Company.