Great Greek Tragedies example essay topic

430 words
"Ancient Greece" One of the most noted periods in Grecian history is what is known as the Classical Age. This period lasted from about 480 to 323 BC. This was the most prosperous period and many ideas, products, and institutions were created and used to this day, as was the case in ancient Egypt (web). One of the most interesting things about this period was the fact that there was no main ruler like there is today.

The many Greek communities ruled themselves and took great pride in this. This was not a perfect situation, however. The subject of ruling alone was on of great debate, and caused many wars against the different communities. One thing they didn't argue over was the importance of traditions such as religion, customs, and language. An example of this is the Olympic Games (E. Meena class notes).

These were started during this period and have continued to this day. The Greek people also enjoy a great love of all things cultural. These included plays, books, and poetry. The story lines used in the great Greek tragedies are still used today in many of our favorite movies, plays, and television shows. This leads me to what I consider the greatest legacy of ancient Greece. I believe the Greek writing, specifically the Greek tragedies, is of most importance in terms of history, cultural development, and resilience.

I believe this party because I am a musical theater major, but I also believe this because we are still studying this art form, performing these works, and trying to interrupt them millions of years later. For example, a production of the great Greek dram Medea was performed in New York in an all new production. It was critically acclaimed and Tony nominated. Furthermore, these works give us a sense of what the people thought about religion, life, morals, the people around them, among other things.

This gives us a glimpse of what was acceptable and what wasn't acceptable in Greek culture at the time. This, obviously, changed over the years and was reflected in the works of the time. These works actually even helped create the set up of our theaters. The seats were in a raked position, meaning they were staggered up so that you could see over the people sitting in front of you. Greek drama is now looked at as the back bone of theater and is still influential, and always will be.