Great Pyramids At Giza example essay topic

738 words
Aliens built the Egyptian pyramids. Recent research supports the theory that the Pyramids were built long before humans inhabited the area now known as Egypt. It is also nearly impossible for the Egyptians to have lifted and moved the limestone brick used to build these massive structures. Only a more advanced form of life could have constructed such an enormous undertaking, while using advanced mathematics and geography that were not yet known to ancient peoples. Archeologists suggest that the large stones used in building the pyramids were transported by rolling them over logs or a wet, slippery, clay surface. These methods may have been effective in moving the blocks close to the building site, but do not explain how the massive bricks, weighing as much as a Ford F 250 truck, were lifted on top of each other.

When the Great Pyramids at Giza were built, the Egyptians had not invented the wheel yet, but the limestone blocks that they grudgingly transported, in an effort to build pyramids, weighed about 2 tons each. If all of the stone from the pyramids was cut into one foot, square blocks, it would extend two thirds of the way around the earth. No human life forms could have possibly erected these structures using that much limestone, because they did not have the technology to work in such scale. Only aliens, with more advanced mechanical and mental abilities, could have designed and delivered such an amazing feat.

The line of longitude and the line of latitude that the Great Pyramid at Giza lies on are 31 degrees north by 31 degrees west. The ancient Egyptians could not have known this intersection when the architect designed the pyramids, yet the site chosen has the same number latitude and longitude. It was aliens, after studying the planet from afar, who implemented temples on this exact site. With 757 foot sides, the largest pyramid at Giza would have been difficult to design with a perfect square base, and yet the base is almost perfect and the difference in side length is only a mere two centimeters. This is an amazing feat for any modern culture, but an impossible one for an ancient culture without the mechanical tools and mathematical knowledge that the aliens had. The aliens used their mathematical genius to work when they created the pyramids.

If you take the perimeter of the Great Pyramid, and divide it by two times the height, you get a number that is exactly equivalent to the number Pi, up to the fifteenth digit. It was a number not calculated accurately to the fourth digit until the 6th century. Because of this knowledge, there is no way the Egyptians built the pyramids. According to art historians, the Great Pyramids at Giza were built sometime between 2601 and 2515 bc. These dates are provided in traditional art history textbooks as being relatively accurate; however, the pyramids, through recent discoveries about the constellation, Orion, are dated as early as 10,500 bc. Orion's belt looks extremely similar to the three pyramids when looking from an aerial view.

Tracking back over thousands of years, the time at which the belt is exactly aligned with the pyramids is 10,500 bc. The pattern of erosion on the Sphinx, a giant sculpture built at Giza with the pyramids, indicates that it was carved at the end of the last Ice Age, when heavy rains fell on the eastern Sahara. This happened more than 12,000 years ago, contrasting the traditional Egyptian dating for the Sphinx of about 4,500 years ago. The Egyptians had not yet inhabited this area at that time, so they could not have built the Sphinx. Since the Sphinx was built with the pyramids, those could not have been built by ancient Egyptians either. The aliens were able to systematical and mathematically design and construct massive sculptures with technology far more advanced than humans could possibly have had.

The ancient Egyptians did not build the pyramids because they did not have the skills or the equipment needed to move the large stones. They also could not have known about the advanced math that was used in the construction of these structures. The only solution is a simple one; the aliens built the pyramids..