Greate And New Music example essay topic

317 words
Incredible to many others music is the most great art in the world i hope that you will enjoy having a great class in Rumania it must be great to know that when you are studying for a test creating basic rules could help you to make a nice and overview the last topic that was giving you in class. The most important thing to remember is that you should help people that is new in the carrer of music, playing a bass guitar could look easy but it is not because as a difference of the guitar you need a lot of technic and of course a great and developed talent. Love for music is something that you must need to aquire over the years I hope you have fun. when I first study at the university i thought that music was such as harder as any other carrer but, after some years I learned that music is what keeps the world moving. Find an instrument could be easy but learn how to play it correctly must help you to understand that music is not a carrer is a help to find yourself as a musician.

If you are interested in keep in touch with your feelings as a musician remember to bring your hearth. As long as you believe that your mind is creating contact with your hearth everything is fine. Remember that everything that we have in mind can affect the instrument that you are playing. Creating a nice and well developed ambience could be the key to create greate and new music. I remember that day that I met one of my favorit music compositors I thought that everything was going to be nice but as a difference everything was crazy and i never came back. Such stress couldn't help everything that I though.