Growth In The Power Of The Presidency example essay topic

434 words
The presidential power grew both domestically and internationally due to many varying factors but often these stemmed from the 'growth of US military power'. The major contributing factors were the presidents' individual charisma, the crises, the growth in economical power and the media. The threats of war throughout the years resulted in the increase if U.S. military power and the president as Chief Diplomat and Commander in Chief of the army took up a huge responsibility during times of conflict and thus soley controlled the tide and direction of war. During events such as the Berlin Crisis and the Cuban Missile Crisis the President's power had grown to the extent that he was deciding on the fate of millions of people across the world. This world authority of the president arose due to the growth in U.S. military power to one of two nuclear superpowers in the world. However it is also due to other factors, such as Britain and France being left economically and physically devastated after the end of World War 2 and thus no longer being superpowers leaving Russia and America to dominate the world.

Due to the huge responsibilities the presidents' received throughout their times, the media often focussed on them, giving them a lot of attention and a platform from which to use their charisma to persuade the people and enhance their power. For example Nixon had televised 'fireside chats' to 'inform his people'. However the huge congress and media attention restricted the president's movement in some ways. The Presidency occasionally enforced decisions and adopted new powers, which further enhanced the extent of his power. For example the new deal in the 1930's helped recover America from depression and the president's power was further enhanced by the success of this and other decisions such as sending troops to Korea. The power of the president also grew at international conferences such as The Treaty of Versailles and Yalta where the president because of the large army and contribution made.

The president represented America and therefore, in international eyes, personified America resulting in a growth in official status for all foreign eyes. The power of the presidency increased due to the factors also. For example it increased due to the expansion and economic improvement of America. The president, being chief executive became responsible for a larger federal government. In Conclusion, the growth in the power of the presidency can often be linked with the growth of military power but it relied on many inter-relating factors.