Gun Control In The U.S. News example essay topic

777 words
Gun Control in the United States News is all around us and is readily available to everyone. There are many flaws in the system that hurts the authenticity of the news when you see it. The media is indirectly part of the political system. Most news is either considered liberal or conservative by many. The media is often considered to be biased.

The reason for this is because they do not act neutral on the things that they report on. They usually give their point of view and tend to warp the information so it's easily digestible by the average person. This type of "nugget feeding", can influence the judgment of some one who has no idea what is going on. The media tends to sensationalize the news by making it seem dramatic, and compelling. This hooks the viewer, and keeps them tuned in. The purpose of this is for ratings, and most importantly money.

The media has become less professional, and their morality has gone down hill. The editors / gatekeepers decide what information is sent out for the public to see, and hear. This is another way that the news is shaped for our viewing pleasure. The news media rejects the fact that they are biased. They claim that they are the "middle of the road", and are neutral on the stories that they cover. Publishers also claim that they are the watchdog for the political system, and they make sure that the system is free of any corruption, or wrongdoing.

They say that they reflect the views of the public, and they are just reporting the news. The two articles that I chose to compare both dealt with gun control. The two articles both looked at the gun control issues in different ways. The Backwoods Home Magazine says "it's about failed social programs, the destruction of the black family in America, and the rotten politicians who are responsible" (Silveira, Gun Control, race, and rotten politicians, 1). The American Enterprise talks about how articles are often published about the victims getting shot or killed, but not when the victim acts in self defense to protect them against a criminal. It is claimed in the Backwoods Home Magazine that because of welfare checks given to the blacks, which eliminates the head of the household, lead to an increase in crime.

The politicians now try not to admit that they were wrong, and made a mistake, but rather place the blame on guns for the high crime rate in America. The writer of this article also seems to be racist. He writes things like "particularly the black poor,"the latter half of the plan worked fine: most poor now vote Democratic and 95% of blacks to" (Silveira, Gun Control, race, and rotten politicians, 1). My understanding is that the writer singles blacks out as being poor. The Backwoods Home Magazine article is obviously conservative.

They have a statement in the article that talks bad about the liberals. The article says, "In truth, liberals don't really care about guns except as a scapegoat. I wouldn't be surprised if they really don't even want guns to go away because as long as they " re around they can blame the inanimate object and remove the focus from the real cause" (Silveira, Gun Control, race, and rotten politicians, 2). On the other hand liberals have always sought stricter gun control. As seen from the New Jersey Law Journal article, we can conclude that liberals have always disliked guns.

"We previously have expressed our disagreement with the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' decision in the United States vs. Emerson... that the Second Amendment gives private citizens a fundamental right to possess guns" (Editorial, Gun Control, 1). Later in the article the author agrees with the Ninth Circuit's decision in the Silvera vs. Locker court case to take away individual rights for possessing firearms. "Nonetheless, we are happy that the Ninth Circuit has affirmatively rejected the individual rights doctrine" (Editorial, Gun Control, 1). From the articles presented we can clearly see that liberals and conservatives have never agreed on gun control issues. It is also plain to see that liberals want gun control and conservative would arm everybody. Further, from a conservative view point, it seems that liberals are blaming the guns instead of the people for violent crime.

We still have to remember that it takes a person to pull the trigger.