Guns And Other Weapons Around Schools example essay topic

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Throughout the 1990's there was a lot of good and bad times. Starting with the good things, I will begin my paper with 5 of the up-most important events in this period of time and then conclude with 4 of the down sides. Early in the 90's was Desert Storm, which was a huge success. The 1991 bombing of Baghdad was a demonstration of smart, powerful weapons, planning ahead and military superiority. Having control in the air was a major goal of those who had planned out the attack. Starting attacks on the capital was the major idea and political goal of destabilizing Saddam Hussein's regime (basically the main purpose here was to have Iraq's leader murdered).

About 244 laser-guided bombs and 88 cruise missiles were delivered against Baghdad targets in 43 days of war. That's most of the powerful weapons used in Desert Storm. Overall, around 250,000 individual bombs and missiles were dropped or fired in the 42 days. There were only 12 days and 12 nights when there were no strikes against Baghdad. There were only 14 nights when more than two targets were attacked within the city. For a lot of reasons, including growing political constraints on capital missions, fewer Baghdad targets were bombed as the war progressed.

The campaign's end contrasted right after the opening night display. I think that Desert Storm could thank the war planners for the high achievements because they way they attacked Baghdad was almost like a sneak attack, and hey weren't prepared, Overall, they were caught off guard. Next I will move onto wireless communication. Now a new "fad" in the 90's is things such as cellular telephones, everyone has them.

Behind the calling process is more than you know before you purchase these items. When a cellular phone makes a call, it normally transmits it's a certain wave out to cell phone site (towers). The number called in a short overwhelming piece of data. This data is the short buzz you hear after you hit the SEND button and before the tower catches the data. These things are the components the cellular provider uses to make sure that the phone is programmed so that it is billed and that it also has the identity of both the customer and the phone. Now kids starting at almost the age of 13 begin to carry these items.

These are a high point of technology in the 90's and everywhere you turn you can pretty much spot somebody on a cell phone. These are good for reasons like the average businessman taking calls when he / she steps out of the office. Above I described how the billing works, and therefore this is how people pay for the service they are on. Nowadays, the words "being too young" are nothing to most people. Phones keep people in contact with family, clients, friends, etc. In all, I would say that the cell phone is a high point of success in the 90's.

The most popular form of American pop music of the 1990's, rap is also one of the most controversial styles of the rock era. Most people refer to rap as " a noise that black people make". Well it isn't. Rap is defined as signifying, and testifying.

Rap started in the south Bronx section of New York. Most of the rap that is heard today is underground, but all comes from the same place. Another definition of rap which is most known, is saying rhymes to the beat of music. The main musical instruments used in a rap song are, keyboards, turntables, drums, and musical bass. The original rap started back in the 1940's with Cal Calloway. He is known for his signature "Hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-ho" which was a chant from the "Minnie Moocher".

In the early 1800's, a new form of a music player came out, it was called the sampler. A sampler is an electronic tool which can precisely replicate an existing sound or track of music. Today, we call this kind of device a drum machine. Rappers use this machine to duplicate music tracks so that they don't have to have someone doing it for them all the time.

This tool became very useful in the music industry. Today, almost all of the bands that you see in concert are using a drum machine, or a sampler. Rap is now becoming popular amongst young adults and to some people it is even becoming extremely influential. Basically the rise of rap is coming up strongly as the years progress, but it is just simply another taste of music. Moving back into technology will be my 4th topic.

About two hundred years before, the word 'computer's tarted to appear in the dictionary. Some people didn't even know what a computer was. However, most of the people today not just knowing what is a computer, but understand how to use a computer. Therefore, computer became more and more popular and important to our society. We can use computers everywhere and they are very useful and helpful to our life. The speed and accuracy of computer made people feel confident and reliable.

Therefore, many important information or data are saved in the computer. Such as your diary, the financial situation or even the statistics of a company or some secret intelligence of the military department. A lot of important information can be found in the memory of computer. every person these days knows the importance and usefulness of a computer security system. In the 19th century, computers became more and more important and helpful. You can input a large amount of information or data in a small memory chip of a personal computer. The hard disk of a computer system is liked a bank.

It contained a lot of costly material. It seems that the advancements that can be made to improve them is never-ending. Therefore, they are able to help us with many of the tasks that confront us on a daily basis, and will no doubt continue to become more useful to us all. The computer may never reach a completed level of strength, more than likely they will continue to improve forever.

On October 21st, 1998, the New York Yankees have completed something that had never been done before. The Yankees complete an incredible season with a four-game sweep of the San Diego Padres in the World Series to capture the franchise's 24th World Championship. Their 3-0 win gives the club a record of 125-50 (114-48 in the regular season, 11-2 in postseason). This was the start of something incredible. The Yankees had now done something that no other team has ever accomplished in the history of baseball, they won 24 World Series Championships. On October 27th, 1999, The Yankees play Baseball's last game of the century and complete a four-game sweep of the Atlanta Braves to capture their 25th World Championship.

The 4-1 win is also the club's 12th straight in World-Series play, tying the record of the 1927, 1928 and 1932 Yankees. This was just like a repeat of the season before, but they now picked up their 25th title. On October 25th, 2000, the Yankees battled for their 26th championship against their cross-town rivals, the New York Mets. After a sweep against the Mets, it was their 26th World Series Championship, this has never happened in the history of baseball. Now this is the turning point of my paper, we will move on to the downfalls of some moments in the 1990's. A major situation happened was in Waco, Texas and I thought it was appropriate to bring up.

Ben Roden, who called his following 'Branch Davidians' to distinguish it from another group that continued the plain 'Davidian's tr and. After his death, his wife Lois led the group, traveling and meeting with foreign heads of state in the effort to spread the message. After her death a struggle took place between her son, George, and a relative newcomer to the group, Vernon Howell. She actually had favored Vernon as her successor, but George remained in control of the colony, so Vernon moved to Palestine (Texas), taking with him those among the faithful who accepted him rather than George as their prophet. George challenged Vernon to a duel in 1987 to prove which was the True Prophet. The form of the duel was to see who could bring back to life a long-dead Davidian whose casket was held by Roden.

Howell declined the challenge and complained to authorities about the exhumation. When they demanded proof, Howell and seven armed followers stole into the Mt. Carmel premises to photograph the coffin. Roden caught them, and a gunfight broke out. All eight of the Branch Davidians were tried for attempted murder. Seven were let go, and Howell's trial ended in a hung jury.

George Roden did not prosper at Mt. Carmel. He lost most of his followers, went into debt, and rented out some of the run down buildings to non-Davidian tenants, including two drug dealers. Roden was jailed for six months for writing threatening letters to a judge, and during that time Howell gained title to Mt. Carmel by paying off sixteen years of delinquent taxes. In 1989 Roden murdered a man with an axe and was committed to a mental institution, where he remains-though he did escape briefly in 1993-and Howell's followers, in apprehension that Roden would return to attack them, maintained an armed vigilance against that threat.

Early in 1990, Vernon Howell legally changed his name to 'David Koresh,' after the Hebrew King David. The Battle of Armageddon must be waged with maximum effort by the faithful to draw down the heavenly host and bring in the City of God. To that end Howell accumulated arms for his followers, possibly even beyond the generous norms of gun ownership in Texas or the needs of the gun trade. He was stimulated in that endeavor by a curious and seemingly unrelated event, described in the chronology of a postmortem report by the U.S. Treasury Department as follows: March 5-9, 1992 - Local law enforcement conduct SWAT training near [Mt. Carmel]. David Koresh... reacts by: 1) bringing back members from California and England; 2) making large purchases of weapon parts; 3) acquiring chemicals which can be used to make explosives; 4) purchasing night vision scopes and sensors; and 5) accumulating large supplies of ammunition.

In other words, Koresh saw this three-day episode of noisy police maneuvers within ear-range of Mt. Carmel as brazen intimidation by the Babylonians, and he answered with strong defensive measures. These very measures, in turn, brought him to the attention of federal authorities, who might otherwise not have been much interested in an obscure little sect out on the plains of Texas. This was a major part of history, but I fault Koresh for stupidity because his lack of intelligence put himself in position to be caught. Another downfall in history was in the early 90's, the familiar Oklahoma City Bombing.

It was April 19, 1995 at 9: 03 that the lives of thousands were affected by one single explosion. The explosion took the lives of 168 men, women, and children. The explosion physically injured 600 individuals and emotionally injured numerous amounts of people around the world. The explosion took place at the Alfred P. Murray Federal Building in Oklahoma. It didn't matter what age, race, or background the victims came from. The one thing that all of the victims had in common was the fact that they were all innocent targets affected by the hostility of hate and terrorism.

The first individual responsible for this tragedy is a man named Timothy McVeigh. A 27 yr old white man who had a great hostility toward the government. He constructed a deadly bomb made of fertilizer and fuel oil, placed it in the back of a Ryder truck and drove and parked it at the state building. He was later put on charges of 11 counts of conspiracy and murder charges. He was convicted and sentenced for the crimes on June 2, 1997. The other man who was suspected of having been involved in the bombing was Terry Nichols.

Even though he was involved in the planning he did not actually help McVeigh transport or set off the bomb. He was found guilty and was charged with involuntary manslaughter and conspiracy; Nichols was later dismissed from the murder charges. In the future I think this disgruntled man should be put in the electric chair, and I would feel no remorse for this guy, he deserves to be put to death. The next topic is now a major problem in the United States, it is happening everywhere, and someone should put a stop to it. In recent years, police actions, particularly police abuse, has come into view of a wide, public eye.

While citizens worry about protecting themselves from criminals, it has now been shown that they must also keep a watchful eye on those who are supposed to protect and serve. Some things are necessary to protect ourselves from police taking advantage of their positions as law enforcement officers with greater rights than private citizens. Because of this significant differential, all citizens must take affirmative action from physical brutality, rights violations, and information abuse. Problems arise, however, when one side is told what to do by another, as there is bound to be conflicting viewpoints. In regard to police abuse, there will be many officers who feel that their job of fighting street crime, gangs, narcotics violations, and other violent crimes is difficult already, and that worrying about excessive policy for abusive behavior will only further decrease their ability to fight crime effectively, efficiently, and safely. Citizens, however, have been caught up in this attitude, and police are more and more often crossing the line of investigation and interrogation with abusive behavior.

This abuse must be monitored so that police do not forget who they are serving -- not themselves, but the public. This means that even the criminals, who are a part of the public, have certain rights, particularly, civil rights. All citizens must be aware of these rights to protect themselves against over-aggressive officers who take advantage of their position as badge and gun holders to intimidate and abuse civilians for personal or departmental goals. Such conflicts have significant implications on departmental and administrative policy procedures. One of the main police abuse problems is physical brutality. The main goal here should be to get the police departments enforce a written policy governing the use of physical force.

The policy should restrict physical force to the narrowest possible range of specific situations. For example, their should be limitations on the use of hand-to-hand combat, batons, mace, and firearms. Take a second to think, I think a lot of police officers have an anger management problem, and they try to then over use their power, and on the other hand, I don't think its right that citizens should also have to be scared of those who are there to protect. I saved the most important issue for last, this is violence in schools, this played a tremendous role in the 1990's. Violence in schools has spread widely throughout the nation.

This has caused many problems among students, families, faculty of schools, and residents of the areas. However, there are many possible ways we can stop all this violence in school. Violence in schools has become a big problem in today's society. With all the people being injured or killed in schools by guns, Knives, bombs and other am munitions, more and more people are getting more weapons to bring in to schools. The cause of violence can be blamed on many things but mainly on one thing is drugs and gangs.

Now that more people are selling and buying drugs, people are making money to buy weapons. Gangs, since they came around violence have been increasing steadily. The spread of gangs and drugs has also been implicated in the increasing violence of school students of all ages. Carrying guns and other weapons around schools is becoming more and more popular all around the world. More and more people who are carrying guns around schools today are getting caught and having them taken away. Since schools have gotten metal detectors and scanners, they have cut down the rate of having handguns in schools by nearly 58%.

Security experts have reported that there is no evidence that a metal detector will solve the problem of violence in schools, even though it offers a highly visible symbol to the community, , Even if the schools with all the gun violence in their schools do put in metal detectors at the front entrances of schools, their are many ways kids can sneak in weapons to school. In 1990 congress made it a felony to bring a gun within one thousand feet of any school under the 'Gun-Free School Zones' provision of the 1990 crime prevention package. These laws wont help very much because of the fact that students can sneak in weapons through bathroom windows, or an unguarded entrance during recess... So there isn't really a safe and reliable way to keep guns away from schools. Security has become a big part of schools today. More and more schools have been getting metal detectors installed.

The N.Y. city public schools report that since the introduction to metal detectors in 1988, serious incidents have declined by 58% in schools with scanners and by 43% without them, Every school should start putting in metal detectors and scanners if they want to cut down violence. Some schools districts that experimented with metal detectors for a short time found them a bit frustrating. And kids all over the world are getting guns from all these places but nobody is doing anything about it. It is very easy for someone to get a handgun. If we could stop the selling of drugs just by maybe 20% or even 15%, there would be a whole less violence due to the lack of money. So nobody would be able to buy a weapon.

Teachers are in as much danger of being killed or attacked, as kids are at school. The recent examples are the series of shooting which took place in 1998 started with Columbine High School in colorado. The risk of a teacher being attacked by a student has doubled since 1956. This is a lot considering that you don't hear about too many teacher attacks on the news but you do hear about teens being killed.

Approximately 100 teachers have been assaulted annually in the past four school years. Also last year in about six incidents which highlighted the newspapers about 25 students along with 5 teacher who were killed due to high school shootings. The big problem involving violence is how we can stop the violence from spreading and increasing.