Guy On My Right example essay topic

296 words
One time, as I was strolling inside a mall, I noticed a guy on my right and we were walking towards the same direction. He was well dressed and well groomed. His shirt neatly tucked in and wearing a nice shiny pair of shoes. He was as fit as Polo Pascual, as his shirt was hugging every curve of his muscular body. As he and I we were walking leisurely, another guy, practically with the same description approached him.

Nonchalantly, they held hands and kissed. My guess was right all along. He's gay. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against homosexuals or lesbians and I'm neither a homophobic nor a bigot. I guess coming from an "exclusive school for boys" had something to do with it. I got use to being around them, dealing with them, and even befriended some because in San Bed a they " re all over the place.

The incident at the mall reflects how the society has evolved. Gone are the days when individuals belonging to the so-called third sex are discreet about their sexual orientation where they masquerade under false pretense in order to fit in and be accepted, so to speak, in our conservative and moralistic society. Now, they have created their own niche in society, they have made a mark in their respective fields and professions and have proven themselves worthy of respect and right to be recognized for who they are. They have dispelled the stigma that homosexuality and lesbianism is a disease, a genetic defect, a psychological disorder and a sin to the Creator. But of course, there are still those who continue to hide their skeletons in their closet.