Hatred Of Antonio By Shylock example essay topic
This marriage would also ensure that Bassanio could repay all of the interest free debts he owes to Antonio. Antonio agrees, but has to borrow the money from Shylock. Antonio's intention is to pay Shylock back after his ships come back to port. However, Antonio and Shylock already have a long history of hatred and insults. Shylock's hatred for Antonio is even stronger, because Antonio refuses to collect interest on his many loans. Shylock tricks Antonio into agreeing to give Shylock a pound of his flesh if the loan is not paid off in three months.
During this time, Shylock's daughter, Jessica, elopes with Antonio's friend, Lorenzo, and converts to Christianity, creating even more hatred of Antonio by Shylock. Bassanio travels to Portia and follows the wedding plans that were her father's will. He correctly selects from a gold, silver and lead casket to find her picture and win her hand in marriage. Their joy is brief however.
Bassanio receives a letter explaining that Antonio's ships were lost at sea and of Shylock's determination to get his pound of flesh in accordance with the loan's terms. Bassanio and Portia wed, as do his friend Gratiano, and Nerissa, Portia's maid. Bassanio and Gratiano travel to Venice to help Antonio in court. Lorenzo and Jessica are left in charge or Portia's home. Portia then disguises herself as a lawyer and arrives at the trial with her clerk, the disguised Nerissa.
Portia agrees that the contract is valid, but she also reveals that Shylock must remove the flesh without shedding Antonio's blood. It is illegal for a Jew to shed Christian blood in Venice at that time. Shylock retreats accepting the money, but the court decides he must be punished for plotting against a Christian. He is then forced to leave half his wealth to his daughter and convert to Christianity. After some confusion, Bassanio and Gratiano are coerced to give their wives rings to the young lawyers. Portia and Nerissa accuse them of giving the rings to other women.
Eventually, Portia's deception is revealed. Antonio's ships are recovered and the group celebrates. This plot strongly enforces the perception of Jews as being murderous and money hungry. The attempts by Shylock to have revenge on Antonio are the main focus of the plot. At the end of The Merchant of Venice, Shylock has lost all his wealth, and is forced to convert to Christianity, a horrible fate for a devout Jew. This shows the good Christians triumphing over the evil Jew.
The character, Shylock, is portrayed as a blood thirsty murderer by Shakespeare. His first appearance in The Merchant of Venice is in Act one, Scene three. His feud with Antonio then controls the action in the following three acts of the play. When first faced with Antonio, Shylock states, "I hate him for he is a Christian" (I, , 39). He then speaks on how his business depends on usury, and Antonio does not practice this. He then concludes with the other two reasons why he despises Antonio saying, "He hates our sacred nation, and he rails, / Even there where merchants most do congregate, / On me, my bargains, and my well-won thrift, / Which he calls interest" (I, , 45-48).
Shylock accuses Antonio of verbally and physically abusing him in the past". You call me misbeliever, cutthroat dog, / And you spet upon my Jewish gaberdine", and Shylock even continues to say", You did void your rheum upon my beard / And foot me as you spurn a stranger cur / Over your threshold!" (I, , 108-116). These actions at the time were acceptable for Christians and Antonio openly admits to them saying", I am as like to call thee so again, / To spet on thee, to spurn thee too" (I, , 127-128). Antonio even ignores Shylock's presence, referring to him in the third person. "Is he yet possessed" (I, , 61). Later in the play, we discover that Antonio has actually rescued many of Shylock's debtors from their loans, thus preventing Shylock from collecting his interest.
Antonio describes this when he says, "He seeks my life. His reason I well know: / I oft delivered from his forfeitures / Many that have at times made moan to me. therefore he hates me" ( , , 21-24). This revelation later in the play shows Antonio following good Christian morals in saving Shylock's debtors. He lends money without interest, in contrast to the greedy Shylock. Shylock hates him for this generosity, a good Christian virtue. Thus, Shylock attacks not only a good Christian man, but Christian morals in general.
This anti-Christian attitude has no ground in Elizabethan society. When the contract is initially made, Shylock is very cordial and acts as though the pound of flesh is a light hearted joke, even calling it a "merry bond" (I, , 170). He says", A pound of a man's flesh taken from a man / Is not so estimable, profitable neither, / As flesh of mutton's, beefs, or goats. I say / To buy this favor I extend friendship" (I, , 162-165). Bassanio even warns Antonio at this time saying, "I like not the fair terms and villain's mind" (I, , 176).
During the play, Shylock's motive for the bond is eventually revealed to be that of murder. He will rid himself of a business rival and hated enemy. Shylock says, "I will have the heart of him if he forfeit, for were he / out of Venice I can make what merchandise I will" ( , ii, 120-121). This portrayal of a murderous Jew is supported through the play. Shylock's own daughter, Jessica says", When I was with him, I have heard him swear / To Tubal and to Thus, his countrymen, / That he would rather have Antonio's flesh / Than twenty times the value of the sum / That he did owe him" ( , ii, 284-288). During the trial scene, Shylock whets his knife when he discovers the forfeit that is owed to him.
Shylock rejoices in the thought of cutting Antonio, saying", Ay his breast-/ So says the bond, doth it not, noble judge/ "Nearest his heart"; those are the very words" (IV, i, 252-254). Shylock's murderous nature becomes very evident with this constant blood-lust. Shakespeare's choice of words also depicts Shylock as nothing more than an inhuman villain. He is rarely refereed to by his name. Instead, he is simply called "the Jew. "This prejudice is demonstrated throughout the play with tell tale phrases such as "dog Jew" (Ii, v, 14) and " currish Jew" (IV, i, 291).
Eventually Shylock is demoted from man to animal. He is cursed by Gratiano in the phrase", O be thou damned, in execrable dog" (IV, i, 128) and later describing Shylock's desires as", wolfish, bloody, starved, and ravenous" (IV, i, 138). In the Elizabethan society Jews were almost on the same level as dogs. After Shylock is stripped of his humanity it is easy to identify Shylock the worst allusion, the devil. In the first scene including Shylock, Antonio comments that " The devil can cite scripture for his purpose" (I, , 95). This reference is continued throught the play.
Lancelot refers to Shylock as " the very devil incarnation" (II, ii, 27), and Jessica his daughter refers to his home as "hell" (II, , 2). Upon entrance of Shylock, Solano once states", Let me say Amen betimes, lest the devil cross / my prayer, for here he comes in the likeness of a Jew" ( , i, 19-20). This constant demonization of Shylock by Shakespeare affirms the anti-Semitic views voiced through Shakespeare's words in The Merchant of Venice. This is not meant to say that these were the views held true by Shakespeare.
He was only a playwright, who catered to the mass audience. Thus, these views in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice were the perception of the Elizabethan people about the Jewish. His words, depiction of Shylock's character, and plot only supported those popular stereotypes of the Elizabethan time. It makes good sense that the cultural hostility towards the Jewish would infiltrate Shakespeare's writing, leaving written documentation of the anti-Semitic attitudes of the Elizabethan era.