Heaven Without Hell example essay topic

900 words
What is Hell? What is Heaven? Where does a person who commits a heinous sin go? Where does a person who did legitimate things and prays all his life go? This is what distinguishes hell and heaven. Hell is to people, what school is to students, a place where souls of all morals, good or bad, were consigned after death.

This is the place of punishment of Satan and the other fallen angels and of all mortals who die unrepentant of serious sin. On the contrary, heaven is to people, what I would be as president, a place where Gods, gods, or other spiritual beings dwell, and the place of perfect supernatural happiness for the redeemed in the afterlife. Many portray the happiness of heaven as the unrestricted partaking of the joys of physical sense. Many portray the damnation of hell as physical and mental abuse. Before entering their destination of either Hell or Heaven, souls first pass through a state of purgatory. Purgatory according to the Roman Catholic and Eastern churches, souls after death either are purified from venial sins or undergo the temporal punishment.

The ultimate happiness of their souls is supposed to be thus secured. The second part of 'The Divine Comedy'; that Dante wrote is Purgatorio (Purgatory). If I was chosen to be God, sinners would be sent to neither hell nor heaven, instead they would stay on earth. No one would commit an iniquitous act and be punishing to eternal damnation. If a person did commit an iniquitous act, there would be a punishment, but not a horrendous punishment by sending that person to hell. There is going to be a point when staying on earth is not going to work because that person keeps on committing sins and that is when hell is appropriately.

Hell is for people who continuously commit sins. Hell... an inconceivable place. I portray hell as a conflagration with wicked sinners being tortured in ways can't be imagined. They deserve what was coming. Candidates for hell could be all the people committing criminal acts, murder, vandalism, and heinous sin. Souls enter here and stay for eternity until the day comes where all the souls are rejoined with their bodies.

This place would be guarded with hideous monsters that are big and frightening. Monsters that are half-human half animal, like the Minotaur, who has a body of a man and a head of a bull. Heaven is the exact opposite of Hell. People who did righteous things are blessed and granted paradise, where respect is given everywhere. Heaven is where Gods and the spiritual beings rest and enjoy their time.

Instead of torture, heaven is the place of bliss. You have the will to do anything as you please. Entering Heaven is not hard. Live life everyday without doing sinful thing and God will judge if you can enter Heaven. Heaven is a place for relaxation, where all the hard work pays off. Heaven is the palace where humanity of kindness lives, with no worrying about harmful things occurring.

Unlike Hell, Heaven is clean, no miasma, and filled with civilized people. Hell is a term used only when describing heinous things. The term Hell signifies a place under the earth. Satan is the devil who rules this domain.

Satan is portrayed in my hell as a devil with a hideous body of half-human, half goat has a long arrow-tipped tail with two horns on his head, and redness from head to toe. Satan is a 100 feet beast since the other beasts of hell are huge therefore, Satan must be fearful enough to command them. His voice is deep and irate when he speaks. His eagerness and hatred toward people shows his personality.

I can see that he enjoys watching the agony when a person is tortured. Heaven is not the place where pain is being inflicted upon people, where Satan or sinners enters, but is a place of only souls of altruism. Heaven is a term used to describe a place where noble Gods live. It also signifies a pleasurable sensation. There are many gods that live in Heaven but there is only one God. God appears as a middle age man with a full-grown gray tint beard.

He is clothed in a white gown, with a rope tied around his waist. And when he talks, his voice is tender, soft, and easy to hear, unlike Satan. God's actions will gain immediate respect from heaven's citizens. This is how I portray God as the ruler of Heaven. Both Hell and Heaven are destination of either sinful souls or moral souls. There can't be only Heaven without Hell.

If there were only Heaven, where would the sinful souls go? And if there were only Hell, where would the virtuous souls go? Therefore, there has to be both Heaven and Hell. In conclusion to this essay, only the souls of those who worked, worked, and worked will get into Heaven and only the souls of those who is indolent will easily get into Hell.