Henry V example essay topic

378 words
She took over the position of England's leader when her father Henry V died. She didn't care one way or the other what everyone's religion was. So she made Anglican the national church, and she didn't bother anyone who practiced other religions. She had no problem with other countries invading because they all wanted to marry into the royal family. So Elizabeth held her ground and never married, this way she insured England's safety. So instead of marrying she just played everyone.

Her cousin Marry the Queen of Scott's tried to turn the Scottish people into Catholics. but they were all Pro distant. So they drove her out of Scotland and Elizabeth let her stay in England. In England she met with assassins and was plotting against her cousin (Elizabeth). She (Marry) was warned by Elizabeth not too but she continued. When Marry was caught in the act of conspiring Elizabeth had no choice but to kill her cousin.

Henry V was Elizabeth's father. He was very athletic in his younger years but as he got older he became very out of shape. Henry had a problem with wives, he went through six of them. Two of them were beheaded and he divorced another and a few died in child birth. He wanted a son to be his are but he only had one that was not all their and died.

Henries only other children were daughters. Marry was the first to take over but she had died after being ruler after a short while. Henry V created the Anglican church so he could get a divorce without the Catholics church permission. Henry made everyone take an oath to him as head of the church. If they did not they would be killed. Henry's good friend Sir Thomas More did not take an oath to him.

Henry begged and begged him to but he was a strong Catholic. So Henry killed him like he said he would. In Henry's later years he became obsessed with having a son, but he never had one. So henry ate, got fat and old, then he died.