Hex File To The Card E example essay topic
VIEW This has 5 options: . a. ATR INFO- this is a break down of what is in the ATR of your card b. HU MAP- this is a map of where different data is at on the hu image. c. TIER DATA- is the data from the different tiers on the card d. EEPROM DUMP- is what you see after you read the card and then pull it. e. MESSAGE WINDOW- is the first thing you see when you put your card in.
4. EEPROM This has 7 options: a. CLEAN EEPROM - This is what you do when you want to clean any data off your hu image b. CLEAR PASSWORD - This is what you use to clear the pass word from a card that has one on it. c. CLEAR IRD - This has two options: 1. UNMARRY- this will unmarry the card to use in another i rd 2.
SET TO VIRGIN- that is what it does. d. CMD 90 BLOCKING - This has two options 1. TURN ON 2. TURN OFF e. FIX ATR 4 TH BYTE - This is for I VAC cards. f. PATCH FILE - This has two options. (also used to patch a file into your image or card) 1.
NORMAL HEX FILE 2. EXTREME HEX FILE g. CAM / ZKT TOOLS - This has three options 1. STORE CAM / ZKT 2.
PATCH CAM / ZKT 3. SAVE CAM / ZKT FOR H CARD E. CARD - This has 5 options a. CHECK ATR - will do just that. b. UTILITIES - This has 6 options 1. CHANGE AREA- this is to change time zone, zip and locals byte 2. CLEAR PASSWORD 3.
CLEAR IRD - This has 2 options under it aa. UNMARRY bb. SET TO VIRGIN 4. CMD 90 BLOCKING - Again has two options aa.
TURN ON bb. TURN OFF 5. FIX 4 TH BYTE 6. READ USW - This tells you what your USW is. c. READ CARD - This is always the first thing you do... read your card. d. WRITE CARD - This has two options 1.
CURRENT EEPROM - This will write the current EEPROM image that you have loaded. 2. HEX FILE - This will write a hex file to the card e. CLEAN CARD - Just what it says Here are the QUICK BUTTONS just below the tile bar. From right to left: 1. The file folder is to open an EEPROM file 2.
The diskette is to save the open image 3. The window with the gear is for settings. This is to set up glitch points and paths for saving your bin files and hex files. 4. Looking glass is to view decoded EEPROM image (this is edit mode) 5. Squeegee is to clean the current loaded EEPROM 6.
The caption signs are for un marrying the IRD 7. The syringe is for fixing the 4th byte. 8. CMD 90 is to set the blocking code (supposed to stop the card from receiving data that could loop the card. It is your choice to use it or not. It did not work in Jan. ECM but maybe it is better now.) THESE ARE ALL THE FEATURES THAT WILL BE DONE ON THE CURRENTLY LOADED EEPROM IMAGE.
THE NEXT SET OF OPTION BUTTONS WILL WORK ONLY ON THE CARD THAT IS INSERTED IN THE LOADER. 9. Check mark is to patch hex file to your currently loaded EEPROM image. 10. Clean card 11. Unmarry IRD 12.
Fix 4th byte 13. CMD 90 blocking 14. Change area settings 15. Atmel chip is to read the card. 16. USW reads the usw on the card 17.
Lightning flash writes the current EEPROM loaded to the card 18. HEX writes a hex that you choose to the card 19. Open door is to exit the program.