High School Play example essay topic

359 words
The Play Oedipus was put on at LaSalle Academy. The play was well done and well put on for a high school play. The stage was made up of columns and a walkway in the middle, which fit the period well. The colors were mainly very white. The space was a little small for the enormous size of the cast. The props used in the play were well used in the play like the pins Oedipus used to stab his eyes out in the end were nice.

The stage worked well for me and I thought that it really helped the play. The lighting consists of many colors depending on the mood. The more somber moods were bluer and the parts that were angrier were more red / orange. The cues were well done and didn't really happen all at once. Since it was a high school play the actors really couldn't find the light so that kind of hindered them a little. The sound was well done also the music was almost like in the movie Gladiator and was very mystical and soothing.

The music was not to loud or to soft so it helped out a lot. The costumes fit the period, like everyone had on togas and what I really liked was the fact that they all had on masks but that was also a hindrance since some of the characters were muffled when they were talking due to the masks. The costumes also changed like Oedipus and other characters of importance had on more elaborate costumes. The acting was well done and they really seemed to be in the role. Since the actors all had on masks they were a little melodramatic but they had to be since you can't tell what there faces were like. All and all I liked how the play was done and I really enjoyed it.

One thing that I was a little weird about was the fact that there were way to many people in the cast, for the space anyway.