His Views On Education example essay topic

302 words
Huck Finn identified his feelings early on in the book, just in the first chapter. His ideas on "sivilization" aren't very high held. He can't see the use of wearing the clothes that the Widow and Aunt Polly have him wear. They make him feel all cramped up and make him sweat.

He didn't like having to be called for dinner by a bell, sitting down upright at the table and praying before eating. As for his views on Religion... ". After supper she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the Bulrushes, and I was in a sweat to find out all about him; but by and by she lit it out that Moses had been dead a considerable long time; so the I didn't care no more about him, but I don't take no stock in dead people". Then he was told of Heaven and Hell, and he simply didn't have much stock in either one seeing as he only wanted to get out of his current living conditions, he figured that either would be suitable. But, he never said he would try and be good, seeing that there isn't much advantage to it.

His views on education are varied. He didn't like doing his studies, being forced to read and write, but when he met his dad again, he went to school just to piss his dad off, and his dad didn't much like that. His education came in handy though. Later on in the book he had to read and write, so it did do some use, but as all kids, or at least most, he didn't want to have any part of sitting around and working on schoolwork or the like..