Human Nature Dr Marvin Harris example essay topic

529 words
What is human nature? It is very simple. Human nature refers to the patterns of behavior that are typical of our species or our kind. Human undergoes change as all humans grow up they nature seems to change; the environment someone grow up in effects that persons nature. To fully understand human nature Dr. Marvin Harris takes us on trip to time, which makes sense because if we better understand our past and our origin we will better understand our very existence and our nature. We will know more about who we are where we are from and such other questions that puzzle the human mind.

As I mentioned before our environment has a great effect on our nature. For example a theory claimed that, the first humans were originated in Africa in the time frame of 115,000-85,000 years ago. Through out time they migrated to the Middle East, then Europe then Asia. If such a theory is true, then well all should have the same type of nature. However we don't, and that is due to time going by and the changing of the environment.

In the book Our Kind Dr. Harris mentions the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin. He went to great details about our closest living relative the chimpanzees, and how their survival was base on they will to fight. Therefore, our willingness to fight wars and kill each other for nonsense reasons is simply our nature. Our behaviors that may be said to be our nature is also depend on the circumstances we encounter in our lives. Such as, it is very rare to find someone who was raised in a dangerous area ahs the same time of nature as someone who was raised in very nice calm area where the biggest crime one could commit is littering. Another issue of Human Nature that shows us how changes in time leads to changes in the way we act and perform is Family life.

I will compare family life in early America to family live today in America. The Indian tribes that lived on in this very country we now call ours, they had a custom where they would give away they daughters to much older men if they provided the father of the husband labor or land which was called brides wealth. That way what they believe, what they practice, that was simply they nature of doing things. So really, human nature could also be looked as our way of doing every day things, our practices or our beliefs. Although we have the ability to reason, but truly that is just a small part of our nature.

The reasons for that some of us place more of an emphasis of our instinct then we do our reasoning. And many times around when we act base on our instinct we act falsely. There again is part of our nature, top make mistakes over and over again and until we learn from it we will continue the process, that's just our nature..