Human Rights In The Buddhist View example essay topic
The religions in these cases are Judo-Christianity and Buddhism. The understanding of the relationships relate directly from the beliefs or teaching held by the respective religions and the derived psychology. The main religion of the Western World is Christianity whose root is based in Judaism. The base of the beliefs rests in the Creator who made an individual person and gave each a single soul. With this belief, a person is considered a complete entity.
Combined with the notion that a man was created in the image of the Creator and in the monotheistic sense, this inevitably leads to the essence of a complete physical being as well. The view for an individual rights therefore is perceived to be individualistic for a person as a unit. This is further demonstrated with the concept of "all men were created equal". A person's human rights can be thus defined and is finite within a social setting. The implication of theses determined rights are often exhibited in the phrase: "God's given rights". The "hard relationships" as view toward human rights in western society can be directly attributed to this physical form with a unique and single soul.
The eastern view toward human rights is considered to be the soft relationships. These views are clearly seen and understood through the Buddhist beliefs. A focus of the Buddhist teaching or Dhamma resides in the precept that there is no self, no ego, and no soul. All is conditioned to change and therefore nothing is permanent. An individual's action affects his surrounding and vice versa. An individual is conditioned by his experience and inherits the results of his past actions, kamma (karma in Sanskrit).
Building upon these concepts, a Buddhist is continuously striving for personal improvement and eventually the ultimate perfection. Human nature is understood to be less than perfect and an individual is responsible for his own action in molding his own destiny. The distinction between the two views is rooted in the sense of arrogance and humility. Human rights in the western sense are considered as those divinely bestowed upon rights. These rights are asserted as "God's given rights". Human rights in this case are finitely defined and individual conducts are to be guided basically by the Ten Commandments.
The Commandments rule strictly as "thou shall not". Human rights in the Buddhist view are based on the humility that human beings are not perfected beings. An individual should have the understanding of things as they are and should seek to better one self, in short to rise above the human failings. There is no savior, an individual is heir to one's kamma and thus one's deed dictates one's destiny. Buddhist's conducts are guided by the precepts, which provide the training to refrain from misconduct. The hard relationship exhibited by western view on human rights are based on demands.
In a democratic society, the strive for human rights leads to justice for all and improvement of quality of living. However, in an oppressive society, these rights are often violated. This disrespect leads naturally to hostility, resentments, hopelessness, and violence. The soft relationship shown by Buddhist view is based on the understanding that one's situation can be accepted and improved. The acceptance of reality leads to satisfaction, optimism, and ultimately peace. Buddhist views with all inclusiveness attitude result in universal respect and compassion.