Husband As Hosna Bint Mahmoud example essay topic
Its subtlety reflects the idea that male dominance has become just a normal part of life, to the point where it can almost be looked over. The death of Mustafa Sa " end meant that his widow was placed in the care of the narrator, "You " re the bride's guardian". This suggests that even as a widow, a woman was not free to do as she pleased, with regards to who she was to wed. The fact that a widow was being dictated to, showed that the village society was more patriarchal than that of the society that existed in England, or the developed world. There were of course exceptions to the rule and this is exemplified by the actions of Bint Majzoub, "You doubtless run after women because what you " ve got to offer is no bigger than a finger joint".
And "Bint Majzoub sprang to her feet at a bound like a man in his thirties". The novel gives the impression that once a woman has passed child bearing age, she is no longer seen as a woman, as her one true role within the zealous patriarchal society was to produce offspring. As a result of her inability to bear a child, Bint Majzoub was able to freely converse with the men of the village. The notion that women belong to men, is a statement indicative of a female's vulnerability.
At many times within the novel, the idea that women are weak and feeble creatures is portrayed, "I imagined Hosna Bint Mahmoud... being the same woman... wide-open thighs". And "I pictured Hosna Bint Mahmoud... a woman in her thirties, weeping... ". Both quotes show the reader how the narrator viewed women as meagre creatures.
With the power of thought, the narrator could have believed that Hosna Bint Mahmoud, a woman in her thirties, could have overpowered an old man, but due to his conditioning as a member of a tremendously patriarchal society, he pictures the worst and imagines Hosna Bint Mahmoud in a vulnerable position, performing a most feeble action that is crying. Pages 86 and 87 refer twice to Hosna Bint Mahmoud, but each time the narrator uses the same reference", Hosna Bint Mahmoud, Mustafa Sa " end's widow", Throughout the previous pages Hosna Bint Mahmoud had been simply referred to as "She" and the times at which the narrator mentions her name, he doesn't do it without her male link, her husband. This subtly shows the reader that a woman is nothing without a man, and supports the notion that a woman can only be complete once they have a husband; as Hosna Bint Mahmoud, only gains her full title, as opposed to "She" when she is referred to in the same context as her dead husband. The idea of women belonging to men, as outlined by the title of the essay, suggests to the reader an element of ownership", There were her father and brothers". The above quote, when put into context shows the reader how Hosna Bint Mahmoud was differed from the care of the narrator and instead, attempted, to be placed in the care of her brothers and father, this was all done without her knowing, and shows that the community in which she lived was, as previously stated, extremely patriarchal. In conclusion I would agree with the quotation taken from the novel.
There are many times within the novel that support the idea, that women are the chattel of men, and there are also many times at which this is combined with the idea that, this is the case despite the man's age", One of Wad Rayes's famous stories about his many women". Wad Rayes was a very old man, which seems to ring true with the idea that a man was a man, even if he was decrepit. As a man was defined as someone, within that community, who had many women and children.