Idea Of Military Action Towards Iraq example essay topic

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Should Bush Attack Iraq? Nuclear weapons, terrorist bombings, these terms might be heard on our home front of us the United States of something isn't done. By done I mean attacking Saddam Hussein, his armies in Iraq, and any other country harboring terrorist. This is why a military plan, released this past Friday, is just what this country needs for fending off terrorism and stopping the production of weapons of mass destruction, especially in Iraq. Eliminating the former strategies, by means of inspections and the passing of new UN rules must be changed. Using military and also diplomatic techniques, as outlined in the United States new strategy, is the new means of dealing with Iraq.

There are still some politics and new war strategies to be developed and perfected before the new, more aggressive, plan should take place. President Bush is doing exactly what he should. He is taking time to overlook the idea and make sure that more forceful action against Iraq is what is needed and that the new ideas won't upset our allies or unfairly target innocent Iraqi citizens. Under the Leadership of Bill Clinton, the United States has faced Iraq and Saddam Hussein. This encounter was called the Gulf War. In the war, our goal was to drive out Iraqi military from Kuwait rather than to go directly after the power that Saddam had.

The United States was successful in driving out Iraqi military from Kuwait, but didn't continue to pursue Saddam militarily. Instead, laws were created through the United Nations that would require weapons inspections to occur frequently. These inspections would be carried out by U.N. officials throughout Iraq. Over the last 11 years, Saddam has continued to defy resolutions made to contain his military. Since then Saddam's military has increased in both troops, and weapons.

It was a mistake to let Saddam go the first time and only pursue him with weapons checks and restrictions. If Bush's new strategy is put into action Saddam will be under control. Bush's 33 page report, which is titled "The National Security Strategy for the United States of America", outlines a contemplation of a military strike against Iraq, And plans to target Saddam. Along with the National Security report, Bush received a detailed plan put together by Gen. Tommy Franks, head of the U.S. Central Command.

The plan is a battle scenario, but has variables not yet disclosed, that the president can look further into and possibly change. Franks is quick to say that the plan is not a declaration of war but is a formal proposal. Franks also wants to make clear that just because of Bush has looked over and agreed with the overall workings of it, he is not at the point where he has to make a decision. This gives President Bush an advantage to take the time to perfect the strike and think of any other means of dealing with Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Though there isn't much information released about the exact details of the plan some details were given. There are three main goals.

One is to cut command and communication structures throughout Iraq. Second, with using special and covert operations, the U.S. plans to neutralize Iraqi missile launchers. Finally, the third goal is to destroy areas where weapons of mass destruction are found. To accomplish these early goals the United States plans to use an array of Air attack units, mostly comprised of bombing capable aircraft.

Special Forces, including navy seals, green berets, and army rangers are also resources that are planned to be used. Special Forces are the new way of war and they must be used for any future military action. It is known, as reported on NBC news, that new Urban War strategies are needed. The military is training vigorously to prepare our U.S. soldiers for Urban Combat. The number of troops that would be assigned is unknown, but it is known that Kuwait would be the most likely launching pad for the attacks.

Other countries like Oman Qatar, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia are other probable staging areas. Preparing for the attacks, the United States military has increased military exercises in the Gulf region giving the increased action the name "Eager Mace". Just because President Bush approves the plan doesn't mean the U.S. can proceed with military action. There are still politics involved in getting troops and other action to take place in Iraq. The U.S. wants a new UN resolution that would threaten Iraq with war if it does not disarm. United States allies that include Russia, China, and France are still not agreeing fully to the idea of military action towards Iraq, just for getting rid of all of their weapons.

They do agree that action must take place just not of the military basis. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said trying to convince our allies to support a disarmament resolution "The goal is disarmament. The goal is not inspections. And inspections can work if a country is cooperative and they want to prove to the world that they have, in fact, disarmed", this alone is reason to attack Iraq because they are obviously building weapons if Saddam won't let inspectors in. President Bush hasn't decided yet to attack the forces of Iraq. Even though the UN isn't with us now, our allies will come together and realize that some form of action must be taken against Iraq.

As stated by Donald Rumsfeld, "The U.S. hasn't and never has had, any problem with the Iraqi people", the world and especially the Iraqi people must realize that the United States is not coming after them. The U.S. is coming after the man that rules their country and refuses to abide by the rules set by the United Nations. Bush is taking all or the right steps to get the rest of the world and U.N. to follow what he believes is the way to extinguish the threat of Saddam Hussein.