Ill Cancer Patients example essay topic
Twelve percent would have made such a request at the time of the interview. This group was different from the other participants in that they reported a greater loss of pleasure or interest in activities, they felt more hopelessness and they had more desire to die. They also had a higher prevalence of depressive disorders; however, they did not differ on ratings of pain severity. 'People who are against legalization are motivated primarily by religious or secular moral concerns, which place the sanctity of human life above other considerations,' Wilson et al. explain. 'Those who are in favor of legalization are more concerned about the relief of uncontrollable pain and suffering, as well as with the rights of the individual to exercise choice and control.
These are fundamental differences in the premises on which the two positions are based, which suggests that there is little common ground between them on which to reach a compromise solution. ' According to background information in the study, cancer patients are the largest group to select euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide in jurisdictions that allow physician-hastened death (Arch Intern Med, 2000; 160: 2454-2460). The study was supported by a grant from the National Health Research and Development Program of Health Canada, and by a Career Scientist award from the Ontario Ministry of Health to co-author Ian D. Graham, PhD, from the Ontario Ministry of Health. By: Gor such, Neil M. ; Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, Summer 2000, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p 599,112 p.