Images Of Romantic Art Web This Site example essay topic

471 words
Images of Romantic Art web This site is a sub-site of The Hanover College History site at web. There are only four works here, but they are beautifully displayed. They are all battle scenes of sorts. The last one is particularly impressive. It is a scene of a Slaver where bodies are being thrown from the ship into the sea. They are of dead and dying slaves.

From this site I discovered that I must get myself a very large flat display screen and be able to display large images like these at home in a screensaver or slideshow format. I shall look for sites which sell the digital images. I know where to find one that offers free images: web The William Blake Archive web This site is a large educational project of University of Virginia which contains an amazing array of William Blake's work. His poetry more or less began the Romantic Period for literature and he influenced many other major poets and writers. However, his artwork is represented here and it is beautiful. The work has not been popularized like other Romantic Period works, but is well worth looking at.

Blake's poetry is only touched upon in education until the very advanced levels of university study, because he is not easily explained. Most of his poetic work cannot really be understood in isolation of his whole body of work and his life. The illustrations to Dante's Divine Comedy are of particular interest on this site. I did not know Blake had created such beautiful visual art.

I have been re-examining his poetry recently, and I shall definitely have to look at his visual art. The Internet contains so much I wish I had much more time. The Romantic Era web This site offers the poetry of the Romanic Era. There is an amazing array of poetry here in full text. The list of names is long. There are even some women represented.

Many of these names are unfamiliar to me. There are many more poets than were in my Literature classes anthologies. Classical Net web This site is a fairly comprehensive collection of music resources from all the classical periods. It includes links to sites where the surfer can purchase the music (likely how the site owner make money). The link page here is the most valuable part of the site: web The site includes sets of links sorted by artist, composer, organization and many more different categories. I have discovered new artists and groups here I shall be investigating in the future.

The opera sites are of special interest, as this is likely the largest collection of links around.