Immortal Sceptre Within The Iliad Homer example essay topic
Atreus dying left it Thyestes of the rich flocks, and Thyestes left it in turn to Agamemnon to carry and to be lord of many islands over all Argos. (II, 102-109) 'In naming Hephaistus, Zeus, Hermes, and the kings of Mycenae, Homer describes a legacy that enhances the sceptre's image as a token of influence and power. Moreover, it is important to note that the sceptre was not conceived by a mortal, but rather by Hephaistus. Using the wood from a living tree in the mountains, he constructed an immortal device for Zeus. Hephaistus' creation of the sceptre both bolsters the notion of the sceptre's divinity, and strengthens its image as a symbol of influence and recognition. In Book I of the poem, Achilles takes oath upon the sceptre.
In his oath, Achilles states his intent to withdraw from the army and swears that the Achaeans will one day regret their irreverence. However, before anything is sworn, Homer has Achilles describe the sceptre by stating that it 'never again will bear leaf nor branch, now that it has left behind the cut stump in the mountains, nor shall it ever blossom again, since the bronze blade stripped bark and leafage' (I, 233-237). Achilles emphasizes the sceptre's imperishability and endurance as a symbol. Lacking life and therefore lacking the prospect of death, the sceptre is, in a sense, immortal, giving reason for its divine connotations. In addition, Achilles uses his description of the sceptre to emphasize the gravity of his promise. As the sceptre will never again change in form or function, Achilles' oath will remain forever immutable.
Later in the poem, Homer characterizes the sceptre as 'forever immortal' (II, 186), reinforcing the notion that it possesses godly attributes. In the first two books, only the three greatest kings of Greece: Agamemnon, Achilles, and Odysseus, are shown holding the sceptre. This is done, not to say that the privilege of the sceptre is limited to these three men, but rather to emphasize the kingly status associated with it. Each of these three takes the sceptre in hand before making any serious statements or requests in council. Hence, it serves as a gavel denoting distinction, status, and authority. Homer has given the reader a symbol for god-like power in the hands of a mortal man.