Impartial Jury Of His Peers example essay topic

660 words
This is very long, I just didn't wrap the words The Judicial System The justice system in our country today, is one of the best in the world, but it is not without problems. The 12-person Jury system has good intent but has definite faults and should be rethought and possibly revamped. The system was designed so that when charged with a crime, a person could be fairly tried by an impartial jury of his peers. Unfortunately, jurors can never be 100% impartial, they are always biased in some way or another and will always be affected by the media. Jurors are almost never the true Peers of the person on trial, and the average juror is either not capable of or not competent to accurately sort through the inflated and distorted truths and the skillful manipulations of the lawyers to decide what to believe.

Jurors are never 100% impartial. They are always biased in some way or another and will always be affected by the media. Because, in our country we enjoy freedom of the press, potential jurors, in many cases have already been exposed to media coverage of the case well before it goes to trial. These jurors, cant help but be affected in one way or another by the news and the news papers. They will be affected by biased information before the trial and sometimes accept it as fact and become biased themselves.

The jurors will be naturally biased to one side, some more than others of course. On all juries people are never fully impartial to the person on trial whether it be positive or negative. Jurors are almost never the true Peers of the person on trial. Normally juries are not comprised of ones peers because the average working person does not have the time or the desire to be on a jury, and will find a way to get out of serving if they can.

So, juries are often times composed of a higher percentage of house-wives, retired people, and people who are unemployed than is represented in the genera population, Juries end up having fewer college educated, professional people than is true of the general population. In the case of the infamous OJ Simpson, trial the jury was 66% black which definitely shows that the picking of the jury was not impartial. The selection of a jury is almost always manipulated by lawyers to achieve a particular end result than to arrive at a just verdict from a balanced jury. The average juror is either not capable of or not competent enough to accurately sort through the inflated and distorted truths put forth by the lawyers and decide what to believe. On the average, a juror can be easily swayed and sometimes almost brainwashed to believe things that arent necessarily true by a good lawyer. Many times, the people on a jury do not want to be there and either dont pay attention or dont care either way.

The average juror is not able to look at the facts presented by each side fairly and not be influenced by skillful lawyers whose primary motivation is to win rather than seek justice. The jury system has its problems and they can be solved in a number of ways. Other than these few things and several others, our Judicial system is still one of the best in the world. I believe that, the best solution to the present jury problems would be to replace randomly picked everyday jurors, with state paid professional jurors who sit on a jury for a living and are specially taught and trained how to distinguish truth from fallacy. These professional jurors would be trained to make justified and purposeful decisions according to the law and based on nothing but the presented evidence and actual proof.