Important In The Insurance Business example essay topic
Modern technology, thankfully exists and is able to help us tremendously. Q 2. What do you do in your business that helps you and your employees stay organized? A 2. As you can see, we have many filing cabinets that are categorized by many different things such as ages, locations, names, and even dates that policies were opened and closed.
It is very hard to stay organized in this business with literally hundreds of renewals and thousands of electronic quotes everyday. Thankfully we have computers in this day and age that can aid us in neatly organizing clientel and financial files. Q 3. Is leadership an important role that you, as a manager are constantly dealing with? A 3. Of course, in any business there is a need for quality leaders.
In some businesses more than others. This business is fairly small, and we do not have that many employees, thankfully, so leadership hasn't been that big of a hassle. Q 4. How do you motivate your employees to do their best? A 4. When I first began to manage this business, I did not see the need to motivate my employees so I left it at that.
I soon learned that I was wrong. Employees like to feel good about themselves and they like to feel that they are needed. Employees can do this by implementing bonuses, raises, or benefits for their employees. Q 5. Do you deal with controlling the finances of your business?
A 5. Surprisingly, No I don't directly deal with this aspect of managing my business. We are an insurance broker, so we have very large mother companies that deal with controlling and dealing with most of our finances. Q 6. How do you deal with evaluating your employees? A 6.
Evaluating are employees, thankfully, hasn't been a problem with our employees. Each individual field of insurance is evaluated individually. There are auto quotes, residential quotes, environmental quotes, reception, renewals, confirmation, and many more areas that we have to evaluate so it is a hard question to answer. This particular business manager feels that there is no "ideal employee". Every single employee has their individual strengths and weaknesses. All of his employees are trustworthy and loyal, considerate and caring and he feels that those are some "ideal" characteristics that his employees have.
From this interview, I learned many different things that will most deffinately change my perception about what management exactly is. I learned that there are many, many different roles of a manager than what were listed in the textbook. I also learned that modern technology and organizational skills definitely help a business stay organized and operate more efficiently. Part A After interviewing my mother, Kelly Chanady, I gained a lot of insight into the role of human resources in a company.
I actually learned how the roles of a manager actually influence and effect employees. Employees prefer a manager who is fair to everyone and treats every employee kindly and with respect and that when employees feel comftroable in their working environment that they are more likely to produce a larger amount and better quality of work. An insurance analysts job contains many different aspects. An insurance analyst that works in a brokerage office must constantly monitor stock quotes, auto and residential statistics, handle client quoting and renewal procedures and categorize and file certain documents. lkjgo 87 gt 97 ytuigtou BBI 101 Community Interviews Unit 6 Part B Q 1. A 1.
Q 2. A 2. Q 3. A 3.
Q 4. A 4. Q 5. A 5. Q 6.
A 6. An insurance analyst that works in a brokerage office must constantly monitor stock quotes, auto and residential statistics, handle client quoting and renewal procedures and categorize and file certain documents. oiuoijy kb; khu; jhojhy'.