Important Memory example essay topic

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In reading over my entire list of memories I came to the conclusion that most of my memories are that of firsts. I think to me the times when I first did something are the most important. I noticed I don't have many memories of things I have done a million times over but only of the first time I have ever done them. I also realized that many of the memories I had written down are memories that have other parts that are supposed to go along with them. I mean that some of the memories have after parts that are mot included because they did not happen on the first day, and so they didn't seem as important to me when I was first writing out my list of memories. Through this assignment I came to the realization that everything has more than one part to it that can be important, I just never seemed to care about them.

I always thought that the only things that were worth remembering were the new and exciting things, such as milestones in my life. I think that is why I only put the important first times in my list. I have so many more memories that I could have used but in trying to decide which ones of the events were more important I quickly just went with the first. I guess to me the first time is very important and through this I came to realize that it is not just the first time you do something that matters.

Every time you do something no matter how mundane or how many times you may have repeated the same event each time is just as important as the first; if it means anything to you, whether significant or not is up to you. As for the development of my theory, not one specific theorist would be able to account for me, and the way I am. I have been going over some of my interpretations and what I had to say using the theories of the other personality theorists and I have come to the conclusion that every single theorist could have something to say about me, and the way I am. I have to say that when I was learning about all of the separate theorists and their theories I did agree with at least one aspect of each theorist. I also saw in me at least one aspect of their theory. I did however find more of myself in a couple than I did in all of the theorists as a whole.

I think in ten years from now I will be married and working as a psychologist, hopefully a forensic psychologist but that depends on how the next four years of my life pan out. I think I will be living in my own place and having my own life separate from that of the family I am now in. I think I will be making a lot of money; I will have to be making a lot of money in order to pay back all of my student loans. I know I will be paying back my student loans in ten years and possibly even the ten to twenty years following. I think I will be living in a city (hopefully New York). I think I will be living in an apartment in Manhattan, because that is what I want.

I believe that if you want something bad enough you will get it. I have said the things I think I will be doing but not the things I hope to be doing in ten years. In ten years I hope to be making a lot of money and making everyone around me happy. I hope in ten years I am able to take care of my parents who have taken care of me for so long. I hope that my name is famous for something. I hope in ten years I am happily married and well traveled.

These seem like the same things I think are going to happen because they are pretty much the same. I am the type of person that believes if I can hope for it then I can do it, all because I want things done. Susan Welch The cognitive step Age 14: Picture day was a very funny day for me. I wore a long purple skirt with flowers on it and a white shirt. I was trying out a new hairstyle that looks better on other people than it does on me (I know that now, not then). I slicked my bangs down with gel to the side of my face.

There was this boy John Griffee who of course is absolutely gorgeous, the only problem is he doesn't speak. This was the first day he ever spoke to me. He said "Wow I thought you were a girl but I wasn't sure; nice skirt". Then he sat down and didn't say another word for days.

Interpretation: I think I have this memory as something important because John Griffee was the first boy in my high school that I had a crush on and he spoke to me on this day. I had been wanting him to speak to me for weeks and he never did. I think I thought he may have liked me and that is why I remember the exact words he had to say. Another interpretation of this memory could be because of what he said to me it was the first and last time I wore a skirt that year. That is true I never did wear a skirt again my freshmen year of high school, that may be the reason I remember the incident so well. John Griffee might say that I have this memory because he was known as the shy kid in school that never said a word and the reason it is so important to me is because it is one of the only times I had ever heard him speak.

He might also say that because he knows he is gorgeous that I may have this as an important memory because of that reason. He was a good looking guy and he spoke to me. He may say that this one time incident of him speaking fired my fixation with him, and that would make me remember the incident always. Age 16: I quit my job at Dunkin Donuts in February because I hated my boss and she was always messing up my schedule. So I called her a short evil devil bitch and walked out of the store.

This memory is important to me because it was one of the first times I had ever really stood up for myself. I had told her before hand that I could not work and she scheduled me anyway. I had to stand up for myself and I think the language I used may have been a little rough but I needed to get my point across. Another interpretation of this memory could be that I thought I was important enough to the staff that if I walked out she would come after me. I was one of the best workers she had and maybe I was thinking that she would run after me and not let me go.

Obviously she did not think that seeing as how she did not come after me. Joan, my boss may interpret this memory has me being a lazy person and I just did not want to work anymore and the incident with my schedule was just a reason for me to leave my job. She may think that I did this because I wanted to initially get fired and since I didn't then I would have to find some small reason such as my schedule to walk out. She may also think that I was just a punk kid that told her off and she was better of without. She may think that I just had an attitude problem but since she had no reason to fire me she had to give me a reason to quit.

Susan Welch Humanistic step. Age 17: I talked to him the next day and we got back together. Again my eating habits took a turn for the worse. I wasn't eating nothing, I was eating everything and anything, but I was also vomiting afterward.

I thought it would make me beautiful and to me it was working I had lost 50 pounds in a matter of 2 months. Rob found out about this and he went crazy. He showed up at my house one night and told me to come outside. I hadn't seen him since before I started this "diet" if you can call it that.

He saw me and he started flipping out on me. He told me I was stupid and he couldn't be with me if I didn't know how beautiful I am without doing things to myself. He broke up with me again. I cried and I cried and things with my eating got worse. About a week later he called me and asked me to stop.

I told him I already had, I was lying but I needed him. We got back together. Maslow might say that the reason I was bulimic was because of two needs. I had tried not eating and that didn't work because of my need for food. I also had the need to be thin, in being a bulimic was able to satisfy both of my needs. I was able to eat and feel full for a small amount of time and then I was able to get the food out of my body and that is how I was satisfying my need to be thin.

Age 7: I receive my first homework assignment and of course I am excited because as soon as I get home I sit down and don't even bother getting a snack. I sit down at the dining room table and I start writing my spelling list of second grade; three times each in my neatest handwriting. I erased so many times because I wanted every letter to be perfect. Maslow might say that my self esteem needs were being met when I was being so meticulous about my homework at such a young age. I was working on one of my lower needs which was the need to get the respect of others and by spending so much time on this one homework assignment and not caring about anything but I was working on gaining the respect of others.

He may say that I thought by doing the very best on this assignment people would notice me. Age 7: I am in my second grade class wearing the ugliest uniform in which I would be wearing until I graduated from St Paul's School. we are just about to sit down for reading group and just as I go to sit down my teacher Miss Bout eau pulls the chair out from under me and every body laughs at me. Of course I started crying; I got to go home early that day because I was so embarrassed. Rogers might say that the reason I was able to go home from school was because my positive self regard was hurt when my teacher pulled the chair out from under me. Since she was not being positive with me and this was done because she did not even notice I was about to sit on the chair and she moved it, my positive self regard became negative in that moment and it hurt me hence I was embarrassed.

Age 13 The month is October and it is the day of the Classical High School entrance exam. I am so afraid that I will not get in. I thought the test was really hard. I remember I was sitting in a long row, behind a boy that had a bald head with only patches of hair on his head. I felt bad because I had no idea what was wrong with him. I didn't have time to worry about it either.

I had a mission, pass this test or die trying. Rogers might say the reason I was so afraid was because of the idea I had of my ideal self. I had wanted to go to classical high school ever since I was nine. My ideal self was the one that was already accepted into classical and my real self was the one getting ready to take the test and feeling extremely nervous because I had yet to pass it. my ideal self was already accepted and my real self was the one dealing with the possibility that I would not be accepted.

Age 10: I am at home crying because I am sick with the flu. It is April of my fifth grade of school and Mrs. Wood is my teacher, I am not crying because I am sick I am crying because I am missing school. I was trying to get perfect attendance and this was the first day of school that I missed. My mother called my teacher and told her that I was crying because of missing school and she said she would talk to the principal.

I received perfect attendance even after missing that one day because I went every other day with fevers. Rogers might say that because of my self actualizing tendency I was so upset at not going to school and getting perfect attendance that it was making me cry. I was crying because I was striving to be the best and I could not be and that was making me upset.