Innate O Sleep example essay topic

580 words
o Sensation - when energy is converted to neural impulses. o Psychophysics - study of relationship between sensation and what you perceive o Signal detection - theory developed about the response bias. o Elasticity of the lens - gets harder as you get older. Lens makes you focus. o Retina - most important part of the eye, multilayered tissue that is in the back of your eye which contains rods and (dark) cones (light). o Cones - color and light perception. o Fovea - area on the retina with ONLY cones. o Color blindness - when you don't have any cones, and can't see the color so Dark adaptation - when your rods need to adjust to the darkness Middle ear function - has bones, which vibrate to amplify the soun do Cochlea - just like the retina, but in the ear, lined with hair cells, takes the information to the auditory cortex. o Auditory cortex - receives info from cochlea o Auditory localization - sound reaches the two ears at different speeds, and you can locate the source for the soun do Cochlea implants, purpose for them - for deaf children, improves linguistic so Olfactory receptors - located in upper nasal passages, instead of sending the information through the thalamus it sends it through the hypothalamus o Reversible figures - people see it at the same pictures, but see different things, shows that your brain plays a role in perception o Gestalt - "whole" a school of thought rooted in the idea that the whole (perception) is different from the sum of its parts (sensation) o Closure - filling in the blanks in your mind to feel complete Perceptual constancy - depth perception o Shape constancy - the tendency to see an object as retaining its form despite changes in orientation o Monocular cues - distance, you only need one eyes Muller Lyer illusion - lines of equal length look longer or shorter depending on the extensions that you draw on the endo Visual cliff - demonstration that depth perception is innate o Sleep wake cycles - controlled by the hypothalamus, some of your body functions are shut of fo Stages of sleep - 5 stages. REM sleep - a lot like being awake but you have sleep paralysis. You lose skeletal muscle tone. o Restoration - theory that only the frontal lobes are asleep and you simply try to overcome the tiring ness of the day Dream content - all dreams have meaning so Influences on dreams - some dreams make you think about the mo Lucid dreaming - when you have no control over your dream so Freud - dreams are expressions of unconscious wishes Activation-synthesis - based on biological realty that all mammals have REM cycles of their sleep, which is random neural firing. o Frontal lobes - part of your brain that falls asleep Hypersomnia - you can fall asleep without warning, type of narcolepsy o Sleep apnea - when you stop breathing during sleep Psychoactive - any drug that alters your moods, thoughts, or perception o Withdrawal - associated with most drugs, hang overs, cravings, etc Tolerance - you need more and more drugs to get the same effect Sedative types - alcohol, barbiturates, Binge drinking - technically 5 drinks in any one setting Alcohol - central nervous system depressant o Benzodiazepines - valium, , etc, different types of sedative so Stimulant types - cocaine, caffeine, etc, they make you giddy.