Interesting Movie At The Theater example essay topic

898 words
Comp 1 June 19, 2003 860 words Practicalities of Renting a Movie A light summer rain mists against the window on a Friday evening. The clouds are thinning out leaving behind drops of water from the heavens. I'm sitting on the couch, thinking of something to sit back and relax and watch on T.V., when there is nothing of my interest and appeal. I have maybe three dollars in my pocket and not enough gas to drive thirty minutes or so to see an interesting movie at the theater.

I look at my watch to check the time and wonder if there is somewhere I can get a movie. I have seen all the ones I own a thousand times and can quote them almost. Renting a movie, I thought, would be a great idea, because of the convenience, choices, and the cost. If I rented a movie, I would not have to drive thirty minutes or so to pay almost seven dollars to see a movie once.

That is not even counting the cost of buying snacks which would be around six dollars for popcorn and a coke. So I called around and found a store close by, West Coast Video. When I called them, they told me that a sale was going on, ninety-nine cent rentals on anything and everything in the store. Being so close by, all the money I would save by driving a few miles picking up a couple of movies and watching them as many times as I want until the next day would be great. The theater would just offer me to watch it once for the set time they have.

So as I arrive to the store and notice the great selection of parking spaces right in front of the store rather than the theater having fifty handicapped parking spaces that are never used in front. Since I got to park close, I didn't get too wet either for being so close to the door since it was still raining a little. Walking in the store I looked around and the people were nice welcoming me to the store and I didn't have to wait in a long line to pick out a movie. The theater workers do not really want to be there and everybody is waiting in line for the same movie. There were no long lines at the checkout counter in the rental store. Since there were no long lines to wait on to pick out a movie, I just browsed around the store through the different sections with so many choices to choose from.

Some theaters only offer maybe three movies to pick from, if the movie I want to see isn't sold out. Since I only had three dollars, I could pick out only two, knowing taxes would be included and three dollars was not enough for three movies. If I had more money though, I could get any amount I wanted, other than the theater, only one choice unless I paid them again to see one more movie. Choosing to rent tonight was a fantastic idea. I am a big fan of James Bond movies so I moved over to the action section to see which ones were available.

I enjoy the old Bond films with Ian Fleming, Roger Moore, and Sean Connery. The theaters only get a James Bond film maybe once a year, that only have the actor Pierce Brosnan. I picked out two I would enjoy, Goldfinger and Dr. No and preceded to the counter. Having a selection of my choice without the worry of knowing I need to go by the bank and get money to see a movie. Arriving at the counter, I got the movies for one night since the sale was ninety-nine cents per night per movie.

The total ended up being about two and a half dollars. That wouldn't even get me in the front door of the theater, more or less buy me a decent size drink, knowing that the price would cost about fifteen dollars. Leaving the store in joy having two great movies I can watch at anytime I want, and even pause to get up and get a any kind of drink like milk or snacks like a sandwich for free in my own kitchen. Not buying expensive snacks or drinks saved me a ton of money also. If I were at the theater, snacks could cost more than the movie did to get into the theater. Total altogether if I did go to the theater I would have to spend about a good fifteen dollars, the cost of what a movie is at Wal Mart.

Now that I look over the situation, I see the advantages of renting a movie to watch anytime in the comfort of my own home compared to the disadvantages, of driving a while to spend a lot of money to see a movie once for that price, and wasting gas. So my recommendation to anybody if he is looking to save some money and get more for the buck, rent a movie and enjoy the choices that are out there.