International Attention To Women's Rights example essay topic

282 words
Human Rights Women's Rights. International governments are only superficially committed to changing women's rights... Many governments openly strip women of their legal and personal rights... South Africa failed to protect girls in school against sexual violence at the hands of teachers and students... The war in Afghanistan was what really focused international attention to women's rights in that country and the world. North America.

In the 1900's African Americans were forced into slavery, they were treated as property... In 1863 the Emancipation Proclamation made slavery illegal in the states... The Rodney King case was a famous human right violation case... This case proved that racism was still evident...

In WWII Japanese Canadians were discriminated against, they were seen as spies... Over 22,000 Japanese Canadians were rounded up and crammed into small houses. Their property was taken away and sold and they were further humiliated by the government who deducted the proceeds from the sales to pay off welfare received... Although the U DHR proclaims, "Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work".

(UN, 1948, Article 23 (2) ), it is not uncommon to hear that women are paid lower than men... In Canada teaching is the only job where men and women are paid equally, normally women get 70% - 80% of what men are paid. United Nations The Universal Declaration of Human Rights stated by the General Assembly in 1948. Sets out principles. Canada The Japaneese people were cramped in houses. The war in Afghanistan focused international attention to women's rights in that country and the world.