International Journal Of Fuzzy Sets And Systems example essay topic

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Fuzzy Sets and Systems Lot fi A. Za deh, The founder of fuzzy logic comp. ai. fuzzy New fuzzy archive by thread. Fuzzy Logic Tools and Companies. General sources of fuzzy information. Maintained by Bob John. Conferences and Workshops on Fuzzy Systems: 1990-2001 From the Parallel and Distributed Processing Laboratory of the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece World Federation on Soft Computing Artificial Intelligence-related Frequently Asked Questions Professional Organizations and Networks International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) IFSA is a worldwide organization dedicated to the support and development of the theory of fuzzy sets and systems and related areas and their applications, publishes the International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, holds International conferences, establishes chapters and sponsors other activities. Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems (SOFT) Established in 1989.

SOFT has 1,670 individual members and 74 company members, publishes an official bimonthly journal and organizes fuzzy systems symposiums. There are 8 regional branches and 8 research groups in SOFT. Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC) BISC Program is the world-leading center for basic and applied research in soft computing. The principal constituents of soft computing (SC) are fuzzy logic (FL), neural network theory (NN) and probabilistic reasoning (PR), with the latter subsuming belief networks, evolutionary computing including DNA computing, chaos theory and parts of learning theory. North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS) As the premier fuzzy society in North America established in 1981, our purpose is to help guide and encourage the development of fuzzy sets and related technologies for the benefit of mankind. Please mail questions / comments to the NAFIPS president or to the NAFIPS web site maintainer.

Spanish Association of Fuzzy Logic and Technologies Promotes and disseminates the methods, techniques and developments of Fuzzy Logic and Technologies; Establish relations with other national or international Associations with similar aims; Organizes seminars and round tables on Fuzzy Logic and Technologies. Fuzzy Research Groups in Spain. The European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT) Established in 1998. The main goal of EUSFLAT are to represent the European fuzzy community of IFSA. To become a member of EUSFLAT please fill in the registration form.

Hungarian Fuzzy Society Established in 1998. Honorary president: Tibor V'amos. President: Imre Rud as. EUROFUSE Working Group on Fuzzy Sets of EURO Established in 1975. The purpose of EUROFUSE is to communicate and promote the knowledge of the theory of fuzzy sets and related areas and their applications.

In 1985, the Group constituted itself as the European Chapter of IFSA. It was chaired by Christer Carlsson [1979-1986], Marc Rubens [1986-1993] and Hans Hellen doorn [1993-1998]. From 1998, Bernard De Bets and J'ants Fodor coordinate the working group called EUROFUSE and it does not represent the European Chapter of IFSA any more. EUNITE EUropean Network on Intelligent TEchnologies for Smart Adaptive Systems On 1 January 2001, EUNITE - the European Network of Excellence on Intelligent Technologies for Smart Adaptive Systems - has started.

It is funded by the Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) within the European Union's Fifth RTD Framework Programme. Fuzzy Logic Journals and Books Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Official Publication of the International Fuzzy Systems Association. International Journal of Soft Computing and Intelligence.

Special Issues. Editors-in-Chief: Didier Dubois and Henri Prade. The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics. The purpose of the journal is to improve the dissemination and exchange of the theory and application in the fuzzy realm. It publish articles of real significance and of high quality in the area of fuzzy sets and related fields. Editor-in-Chief: Hu Cheng-ming.

International Journal Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems The aim of the journal is to promote theoretical, methodological or practical works dealing with all kinds of methods to represent and manipulate imperfectly described pieces of knowledge. Editor-in-Chief: Bernadette Bouch on-Meunier. I Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. Publication of the I Neural Networks Council. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. Dedicated to the dissemination of research results from the field of approximate reasoning and its applications, with emphasis on the design and implementation of intelligent systems for scientific and engineering applications.

Special Issues. Editor-in-Chief: Piero P. Bonissone. Information Sciences. Provides a forum for research workers in the field of information science and expedites communication between them and applications-oriented scientists. The journal contains three sections each with its own distinguished senior associate editor.

Special Issues. Editor-in-Chief: Paul P. Wang. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. Devoted to the systematic development of the theory necessary for the construction of intelligent systems. Editor-in-Chief: Ronald R. Yager. Math ware and Soft Computing Basically includes theoretical contributions that use mathematical tools and models that could be relevant in applications for Cognitive Sciences, pure or applied Logic and Artificial Intelligence.

Get it online! Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence & Intelligent Informatics. Focuses on Advanced Computational Intelligence, including the synergetic integration of neural networks, fuzzy logic and evolutionary computation, so that more intelligent system can be built to industrial applications. Editors-in-Chief: Toshio Fukuda and Kaoru Hi rota Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems Fosters the exchange and dissemination of applications and case studies in the areas of fuzzy logic and intelligent systems among working professionals and professionals in education and research, among a broad cross-section of technical disciplines. Soft Computing Aimed to provide rapid publication of important and timely results on soft computing technologies. Managing Editor: Antonio Di Nola.

Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (ETA I) New area: Decision and Reasoning under Uncertainty (DRU). Area editors: Salem Benferhat and Henri Prade. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing series from Springer-Verlag. Editor: Janusz Kacprzyk. Advances in Soft Computing series from Springer-Verlag. Editor: Janusz Kacprzyk.

The Handbooks of Fuzzy Sets series from Kluwer Academic Publishers. Advances in Fuzzy Systems series from World Scientific. Research groups Fuzziness and Uncertainty Modelling Research Group at Ghent University, Belgium Founded in 1976 by Prof. Dr. Etienne E. Kerry. Since that time, theoretical and applied research is and has been done on numerous topics in or related to fuzzy set theory.

Human-Friendly Welfare Robot System Engineering Research Center at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Established in August, 1999 at K AIST, the Center for Human-friendly Welfare Robotic Systems (HRS) has been in operation to achieve the research goals of designing and implementing some welfare-type service robots and systems which can interact with human, work with human, and help human for the human welfare. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) research group at University of Waterloo, Canada The group was founded in 1980 as a part of the Department of Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo. The group works on a wide diversity of pertinent research areas. It also consists of several professors, researchers and graduate students, as well as adjunct members from other departments and universities. Fuzzy Image Processing at PAMI. Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory at University of Missouri-Columbia, USA Research topics: Computer Vision, Image Processing, Uncertainty Management, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, Mathematical Morphology in Image Processing, Parallel Processing, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Robotics, and Applied Image Recognition Systems.

Fuzzy Logic Theory and Applications at Informatik I at Uni. Dortmund, Germany Organizes the Fuzzy Days in Dortmund, The International Conferences on Computational Intelligence Control Systems Engineering Group at Faculty of Information Technology & Systems, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands The main goal of the Control Systems Engineering group is to develop methods and tools to control complex nonlinear dynamic systems in order to improve their performance. Inst. for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling, Uni. Ostrava, Czech Republic Established in 1996. The main topic of interest of the institute is research and development of soft computing methods. Director: Vil " em Nov " ak.

Machine Intelligence Institute, USA Established at Iona College in 1985. The purpose of the Machine Intelligence Institute is to help bring to fruition the promise of the current generation of computer based technologies for the development of intelligent knowledge based systems. Director: Ronald R. Yager. Fuzzy Logic in Integrated Reasoning, NRC Institute for Information Technology Ottawa, Canada The IIT of the NRC has developed Fuzzy CLIPS, an enhanced version of CLIPS that supports Fuzzy Logic. Their Fuzzy Toolkit is a set of Java (tm) classes that can be used to build fuzzy logic systems. Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz (F ), Linz, Austria After 15 years of theoretical research in Fuzzy Logic Erich Peter Klemens founded the F with the intention of supporting the local industry with knowledge in this rather new area.

Approximate Reasoning and Artificial Intelligence Group, University of Granada, Spain Head: Antonio Gone " alex Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, Universitat Ro vira i Virgil i, Spain Multi-agent systems, Belief model ling, Inductive Learning and Rule Production, Fuzzy Sets. Research group on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Uni. Magdeburg, Germany The group, led by Rudolf Kruse, examines phenomena's of uncertainty and vagueness in knowledge based systems, and develops and implements methods to cope with them. ELITE - European Laboratory for Intelligent Techniques Engineering, Aachen, Germany A foundation with objectives: Applied research and research support in Europe, Sponsorship of activities related to intelligent technologies in Europe, Coordination and support of scientists and practitioners in Europe, EU FIT, Exchange of practitioners and scientists. Knowledge / Intelligence Systems Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada Research areas: Robotics, Fuzzy-Neural Integration, Fuzzy Clustering, Reinforcement Learning, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Fuzzy Data Mining Soft computing and Fuzzy Logic Group at University of Milano, Italy Topics: Many-valued logic's, Lukasiewicz logic, t-norm based logic's, MV-algebras, fuzzy control. Back to Robert Full " er.