International Understanding About Jinnah This Film example essay topic

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The following is a report on the Movie 'Jinnah'. Which is based on the life of our national hero, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Topics given below show the brief description about him, Making of the movie, it's reasons and impacts. HISTORY Who was Jinnah? Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a great advocate of Hindu Muslim unity. He was of the opinion that both Hindus and Muslims should make joint efforts to get rid of British rules and domination.

Jinnah was a national hero of Pakistan -- a state visualized by the Muslims of the Indian sub-continent. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a champion of freedom for Indian people, the Hindus and the Muslims. He tried his utmost to give guidance to the Indians to work untidily to attain freedom from the colonial rule of the British. He even joined the Indian congress as a member to attain the common goal.

The Hindu leadership did not feel equally conscious of equal rights of the Muslims and the Hindus. Jinnah was not an anti-Indian. Jinnah was neither anti-Indian nor was it derogatory of Indian political leaders. He had tried his best to become an ambassador of peace between Hindus and Muslims.

The Hindu leadership acted in his own interest and did not give proper assurance to the Muslims for equal rights in the liberated India after the British left. Jinnah was a staunch believer of Two Nation theory and considered the Muslims as a separate and distinct nation. What was the condition of Muslims of that time? The Muslims of the sub-continent were not aware of the real danger of their minority position in the democratic setup dominated by the majority of Hindus. The Hindus were not prepared to give the proper safe guards to the Muslim community. Many meetings were held to bridge the gulf between the two communities through various contracts but to no purpose.

What was the need of that time. The Muslims needed a leadership to protect their interests. A man of strong will power with a clear vision of his mission could only take the disorganized Muslim community to equal partnership in the government. In the sub-continent through various methods an effort was made by the Muslim leaders to convince the Hindu leadership to give a proper assurance for Muslim rights in the constitutional arrangements. Separate homelands for both the communities was the only solution to keep peace between both the communities which had existed side by side but with clear differences in their ways of life. Even one thousand years of rule by the mughal dynasty could not wipe out the strong sentiments of being two different communities.

Leadership of Muslims was not available. All the Muslim leaders and intellectuals gave their full support to Muhammad Ali Jinnah to create unity amongst all the Muslims of the sub-continent. It was a willing surrender of their local interests for the betterment of the Muslims of sub-continent. They found in Muhammad Ali Jinnah their Quaid-e-Azam. Making of 'Jinnah' The film 'Jinnah' depicts the man and leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah who created Pakistan. The film has been completed after the hard work of several months and it could yet be an image boost for Pakistan.

Theme of the film The film is about the life and struggle of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. It tells the extraordinary story of how India was partitioned, the final intrigue and the debates between Viceroy Lord Mountbatten, Jinnah, Gandhi, Nehru and the merciful lady Edwina Mountbatten. It also shows the clash between Jinnah and Jawaharlal Nehru, leader of India's Congress party, who went on to rule India. 'Jinnah' has highlighted the relationship between the Mountbatten and Nehru, particularly the 'special' relationship between Edwina Mountbatten and Nehru. It is not shown in bad taste; it is the crux of the film because it is a vital part of history. 'Jinnah' chronicles the journey taken by the young idealist Jinnah as he realize that his dream of freeing the people of India from foreign rule is being tempered and twisted by the realities and cruelties of politics.

It is a story of a practical visionary. Who knew that on his word hung the future of a nation and who knew, too, that such a birth meant a division, of a country and of his own family, since his only daughter had married an Indian and would remain in India. The story. It was 1947.

When India gained its independence. The British colonial territory into India (largely Hindu) and Pakistan (majority Muslim). It was a painful process and is accompanied by blood shed. A year after, Mohammad Ali Jinnah realized his dream, begun to succumb to the illness that had dogged him for some time. Towards the end, the film story shows Muhammad Ali Jinnah laying weak and sick on his bed.

He feels awfully introspective and a host of happy and sad memories over him. He rushed to the hospital and when the ambulance stalls on the highway, his life begins to ebb. In this coma Jinnah relives the triumphs and disappointments of his life, the drama of his ideals, his romance, his happiness and the tragic death of his young wife. Total budget on making The makers of the 'Jinnah' didn't have a monster budget. It didn't have government funding. The film completed at a cost of 3.5 million pounds in 18 months.

Production and Direction The script of 'Jinnah' was written by; anti-Islamic author Salman Rushdie, Directed by Jamil Delhi and Produced by Prof. Akber S Ahmed who is also the co-writer of 'Jinnah'. Shooting the 'Jinnah' The film was shot in the locations of Pakistan, India and United Kingdom. Actors performed in 'Jinnah' So many actors from Pakistan, India and United Kingdom performed in 'Jinnah'. The character of 'Jinnah. ' The character of Jinnah has Perform by renowned actor, Christopher Lee. Other characters.

James Fox and Maria Aitken play the British viceroy Lord Louis Mountbatten and his wife Edwina. Indian film star Shahs i Kapoor as a narrator takes Jinnah back through his tumultuous career in a series of flashbacks. His character has been used as a device to link and narrate the story of Quaid-e-Azam, who at the beginning of the movie shown as being rushed in an ambulance from Mauri pur air force base. Troubles in the making of 'Jinnah' Trouble first arose when Akber Ahmed homed in on Christopher Lee to play the main role in the film. The Pakistani Government, which had agreed to provide $1 million ($1.6 million) towards the project, withdrew the offer, as it was unhappy over Lee's choice, since he was well known the world over for his celluloid portrayal of Bram Stocker's Dracula. However, the producer Akber Ahmed decided to go ahead with the film, somehow managing the finances, as he felt no one else could do justice to the role.

But the worse was yet to come. When the film was completed after 18 months and screened in Pakistan, the Nawaz Sharif government felt it was pro-Indian and glorified the Indian leaders, and promptly banned it. Former Bharatiya Jan ta Party leader Madhu Deolekar said that the film highlights atrocities on Muslims during Partition, while there are hardly any scenes of atrocities on Hindus. Moreover Jinnah has been painted as a hero which cannot be accepted by Indians. He also felt that the film must not be released in India as it will reopen old wounds and cause and hatred between communities.

However, Krishna Game, a friend of producer Akber Ahmed, says that how can the film be anti-Indian when Pakistan government openly stated that the film is pro-Indian and even banned it? World wide premiere The film "Jinnah" released in Los Angeles and some theatres in London where it received a good response. On Dec 6, the film 'Jinnah's own in Cairo International Film festival was inferior to the success won earlier by the film 'Gandhi'. Many chosen films have been shown in an international film festival that is reported to be registering considerable success.

Out of these, a film carried the title "Jinnah". Dubbing the film The film is being dubbed in various languages. According to plans, film's Urdu version will be released for general public, in Pakistan, early next year. Reasons of making the 'Jinnah' Rejection of the false image of Jinnah at the international level One of the most important reasons of making the movie on Jinnah is to reject the false image of him at the international level.

It is a harsh reality that in the West, Jinnah is almost a non-entity. In their eyes, he comes second to Gandhi who is stereotyped as the non-violent cult figure who wove his own clothes, led peaceful marches and ultimately won India its independence. For nearly two decades, Pakistanis cried foul play over the false depiction of Jinnah but nobody did nothing about it. Movie 'Jinnah's could be lauded as an effort to put Muhammad Ali Jinnah on the world map. Paucity of filmed material on Jinnah There was no filmed material on our national hero, Jinnah. A film of this kind was being expected for years after the film Gandhi, proved to be highly successful.

Documentation on international hero Several references to important events in Hindu Muslim relations have brought out the fact that Jinnah possessed extra ordinary leadership qualities to force the mighty rulers to give a fair deal to the Muslims of the sub-continent. No other international hero of the status can be quoted who gave his community so much benefit through his intellectual superiority and strong resolve. A man of his vision and extra ordinary accomplishment can hardly be found. This film shall remain a testimony to his superior leadership of a community who stood disarrayed and disadvantaged in the event of their freedom from foreign rulers.

Impact of the movie The movie has brought the personality of M A Jinnah for the proper understanding by the world community. It was his wisdom, which brought an end to the centuries old bitterness between the Hindus and Muslims of sub-continent. Only by remaining confined of their geographical boundaries, their daily quarrels and feuds be limited to their own confines. A united India could never find a peaceful period free of Hindu Muslim conflicts.

The film portages a hard reality of Partition of Indian sub-continent, which was the best solution to end their centuries old hostilities. The present day attitude of India towards Pakistan is a testimony to the fact that Hindus cannot accept Muslims as equal neighbors. It is a plain fact that partition was inevitable. Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was right in his judgements and his beliefs about the two nation theory. Correcting the image of Jinnah Mohammad Ali jinnah was politically wide awake and his contribution as a father of a nation stands acknowledge by the entire world. The riots that took place after partition only acknowledge his right vision of the Hindu Muslim relationship in India.

The centuries old hatred manifested itself at the time of partition. The riots cannot in any way disprove any of his judgmental acts. Popularizing national hero to children and other film goers Through this film, the younger generation will be passed on their heritage; the story must be, and has been, preserved. International understanding about Jinnah This film has cleared the mist of misunderstanding of jinnah's achievements as a Muslim leader. A study of the movement for creation of Pakistan is now gaining attention of international communities. Creation of Pakistan is a miracle achieved through peaceful methods of negotiation and without usual methods of aggression against other countries Creating national pride Pakistan is standing on the map of the world by the grace of the Almighty.

Its present day condition only creates our further resolve to make it a fort for Muslims of the world. Difficulties are bound to vanish with the passage of time. Pakistanis are proud that they had the father of the nation in the person of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, our greatest leader. This movie has given us a clear understanding of sound judgement of our great Quaid to create a separate homeland for Muslims.

Only he had the vision to see through the tactics of mutual reconciliation by the Hindu political leaders. Summary Movie 'Jinnah' is based on the life of our great leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah who created Pakistan after the hard struggle. 'Jinnah' tell us the story of how India partitioned. The film completed at a cost of 3.5 million dollars and shot in the locations of Pakistan, India and United Kingdom. The main role, 'Jinnah' is Perform by Christopher Lee.

Other actors are taken from the above mentioned countries. There were many troubles for producer, Akber S Ahmed to make this film but after his hard struggle, he succeeded in making 'Jinnah', the film is released in Europe and soon it will be released in Pakistan. The film will be dubbed in various languages. Reasons for making the 'Jinnah' was to reject the false image of Jinnah at the international level and there was paucity of filmed material and documentation on our national hero. The impact of 'Jinnah' will be positive. The story of Jinnah has been preserved for the next generation.

Through 'Jinnah', national pride will also be created.