Involvement In World War II example essay topic

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World War II It is important that people of all ages learn about World War II. This is a war that not only killed the most soldiers in any war ever fought, but also changed the U.S. economically. The U.S. was just getting over the Great Depression and were planning to stay neutral in all international affairs. But the involvement in World War II brought the U.S. together as a nation. Both race and gender in the workforce became equal and jobs became vast. Many young men and women risked their lives to fight for this great country.

Those that survived the war were honored for their courage and bravery, yet others were not as lucky to make it through the war, but were also honored. A day known as Veteran's Day is celebrated every year on November 11th to honor those who bravely fought in this devastating war. The more people know about World War II, the more they get an inside look at what their grandparents went through during these rough times and that's important to know. The history of your family's past. As I researched this topic, I found many helpful articles. For example, at web I found out everything, from what happened before the war, what happened during the war, and how it ended.

It stated: Fifty-six years have passed since World War II, the greatest and most destructive war in history, occurred. It lasted from 1939-1945 and an estimated 25 million soldiers, both enemies and allies, were killed. By far the most threatening event and cause of the war was the emergence of Hitler in Germany. He believed that Germany should expand in order to bring within it all Europeans of German nationality. Another dictator who caused tension in Europe was Mussolini. With success, he conquered Ethiopia and Page 2 made it an Italian economic colony.

Japan als attempted to expand itself and conquer what they could in Asia. France and Great Britain did what they could to keep the peace with Germany but were unsuccessful. On Sept. 1, 1939, Hitler's invasion on Poland caused England and France to declare war on Germany. On Sept. 3, 1939.

Because of Hitler's hatred for the Jews, six million were exterminated in their homeland of Poland. Hitler also attempted to conquer Russia but failed because of the harsh weather. His army could not overcome it. Although Hitler he not conquer Russia, he succeeded in conquering many other countries such as the Czech. Republic and Austria. He was becoming a very fearful tyrant who was unstoppable.

On Sept. 5, 1939, president Franklin D. Roosevelt declared neutrality. The U.S. did not want to become involved in international affairs. One major event that lead the U.S. to get involved in the war was the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

The Japanese, under the leadership of Yamamoto, had a vast Southern Operation to attack Pearl Harbor, the East Indies, Malay, the Philippines, Guam, and Malaya. Germany, Italy, and Japan were all axis countries that were fighting against the allies in Europe. The U.S. and great Britain, under the leadership of Winston Churchill, declared war on Japan on Dec. 8. Germany and Italy then declared war on the U.S. on Dec. 11.

The U.S. now had to prepare itself for war. Going into war affected the U.S. in many ways. Family life changed immensely. Many women began to work while many other young men and women enlisted in the army. Job opportunities became vast.

The qualifications because of race and gender changed. This brought people together because they worked equally. Although women were Page 3 not allowed to participate in battle, they did served in the so-called "noncombat" missions. Theses missions often proved to be very dangerous.

Women who enlisted knew what hey were getting into, but were still willing to fight for their country. World War II dragged on until the spring of 1945. American forces continued to push the German Army eastward. It was only a matter of time before they made contact with the Russian army.

The first meeting took place near the town of Stre hla on April 25, 1945. On April 30, 1945, Hitler knew he had been defeated and committed suicide. On May 7, Germany unconditionally surrendered and signed the surrender terms in Berlin, Germany. The creation of the atomic bomb caused many issues to be brought up on whether or not to use this as a weapon on enemies of the U.S. Scientists of the Manhattan Project had been working anxiously throughout the war to develop the atomic bomb before the Germans did.

The new weapon was first tested on the ground in the deserts of New Mexico. No one knew if this bomb could be dropped from an aircraft without endangering the lives of the crew. The unit selected for this dangerous mission was the 509th Composite Group commanded by Colonel Paul W. Tibbetts. He flew the first atomic bomb mission to Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. A second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Within a week, Japan sued for peace.

The Japanese government announced their willingness to surrender within a week of the dropping of the two atomic bombs. This was another joyous victory for the U.S. The soldiers who were involved and had survived this dreadful war were now able to go back to their families back home. See how important it is to know about the events that occurred during World War II. People get to know what their grandparents lived through and how it affected them and their families. Page 4 They get an insight on both a personal and educational level. There are countless veterans that would rather not talk about painful memories of those years when they fought in World War II.

Although there are many that would be more than happy to share their experiences with their grandchildren. World war II is a part of our history that will never be forgotten. We can't bring back the lives that were lost, but because of them and those that survived, we came together as one and worked together to win this harsh war. In my opinion, war is something that can be prevented. By resolving problems in a logical manner before they get out of hand is one of many ways to prevent war from happening. We live in a world where people think that war is the only way to resolve major issues and problems.

We " ve got a long way to go to truly achieve peace in this world.