Iran And Iraq Over An Oil Field example essay topic
The agreements that Iraq was asking for was outrageous and they did not agree. Iraq was fighting Iran for a while and soon the coalition came in and hence, you have The Gulf War. In the fallowing pages I will explain why the Coalition won The Gulf War and how they were able to do it without being hurt with any biological or chemical weapons. The Iraqis actually has a relatively large force in the southeast. Unfortunately its advisory's had superior numbers, training and technology.
The Iraqi Army performs best while defending. Every group except for the tanks were trained in this for of combat. They generally have one major defensive stance. Most of the time it is a triangle with sandbags and barbed wire surrounding it. On each of the three corners there are machine gun nests. All ammo and anything explosive went right in the middle to reduce the possibility of it exploding and hurting and friendly troops.
The Iraqi infantry is numerous; the only problem is that they are so poorly equipped and trained that they have trouble keeping up with their enemy. Many men had no idea that they had weapons and those that did were trained well enough. Another downside was that every few divisions were mechanized. This means that if one patrol was in one area and was needed in another it would take them entirely to long.
The allies on the other hand are fully mechanized and are able to get from one place to another relatively quickly. In the Iranian war the Iraqi air defense worked very well. It was tight and not many aircrafts could get through they " re radar system. Now facing the Coalition there defense is nothing. The most advanced weapons they have against planes is a radar guidance system. These were easily shot out or jammed so that any AA gun would be rendered defenseless.
With the radar system out of the way the only thing that they had to worry about was soldiers taking pot shots at oncoming aircraft. The Iraqi tank force was nothing special, but it was able to hold its own if the need came. With excellent training and combat experience it did put up a fight with the Coalition. Unfortunately for them the allies tanks were a lot better and even they " re training was better. In the Iranian war the Iraqis mostly used their tanks to disperse infantry, but since the Allies mostly had mechanized vehicles it was a whole new ball game. So instead of only shooting at infantry that won't really fight back they had to change their tactics to thing that would move around and actually pose a threat.
Most of the tanks that Iraq had were old prototypes from Russia that were at least twenty or so years old each. The only thing that the Iraqis had that most country's should be afraid of is chemical weapons. There are three types of chemical warfare: Blood, Blister, and Nerve. The Blood Chemical when inhaled goes straight into the bloodstream and poisons the victim. Blisters pretty much stick onto the skin and causes sever skin lesions, also if it is inhaled it will damage or destroy the lungs. The last is nerve gas; it is by far the worst of the three.
It attacks the central nervous system and it can either enter through absorption of the skin or inhalation. This destroys the nervous system causing the victim a lot of pain and suffering. It doesn't generally kill right away, it usually take a long time for it to actually be fatal. The are some defenses against the chemical agents.
It's the first and most basic called the gas mask. It covers the face and keeps any agents from getting into the lungs but anything that comes in contact with the skin could potentially cause damage. The next and most effective is the bio suite this completely protects you from any chemical that is known to man. It completely covers your body with a plastic suite and keeps everything out.
It has its own air supply that could last for many hours. The only problem with the suites is that they are very hard to fight in. It's made from a very thick plastic so it's very hard to move, but if you really needed to you could very easily. The last defense is a syringe filled with an antibody that combats the effects of any chemical the Iraqis have in their possession.
It is generally stuck in right beneath the heart for maximum protection. I think that one of the main reasons that the allies were able to just go into Iraq and take it over without and chemical resistance was because of Iraq's world status. If Iraq had done anything with their chemicals they would have been looked upon as the bad guys and Bushes cause for being there would have been justified. Because the Coalition just came in and take the place over Iraq was able to keep its status of a civilized country.
Also the Iraqis didn't have much of a chance to begin with. They were outnumbered in man power, machines, and technology. They only advantage that they had was that it was their land and they were able to defend it. But because of new technology the infantry was able to just quickly check exactly were they were with a GPS and made the Iraqi strategy of defending their land with knowledge obsolete..