Issue Of Use Of Drugs example essay topic

703 words
Dear Mr. Huxley During the past few weeks my class and I have been reading your book, ? Brave New World? While reading your book I have discovered a few captivating issues. These issues include the destruction of the family, the use of drugs, and polygamy (obligatory sex). These issues are interesting because of their implications in life today, and the frequent times they are shown in the book. The ways they are used to control people and make their life easier, and the fact that our world seems to be falling into the same state.

The destruction of the family an important issue to me personally because of the relevance it has to my life and to our changing world. The fact that the words mother, father, etc are considered pornographic is particularly interesting. The family in? Brave New World? is replaced with bottles, nurses, conditioning, and life training. These changes allow for a more easily controlled individual. By not allowing a person to have or develop relationships that person is more receptive to his predestined path and more contented to follow the group.

The destruction of the family is also an issue in today's world. Devoice and pregnancy before marriage is destroying the Family. These things are causing children to grow up with out whole families and in some cases without any family. This worries me because I don? t want our world to end up the same as the one in? Brave New World.? The issue of Use of Drugs is a personal favourite.

While the idea of a perfect drug that has no side effects and doesn? t leave you with a hangover is intriguing. The way it is used in the book is disturbing. The drug in the book is used to keep people from having any unwanted emotions; they are conditioned to spend most of there free time on soma (the drug). This causes them not to have much time to think about anything, which makes them more content to spend their life doing just what there told and making them a controlled individual with no real power over there own life (a slave).

The use of drugs is a big issue in our world today. There are plenty of legal and illegal drugs to use to escape the thought of everyday society. With the number of drugs and other forms of mindless entertainment it isn? t surprising that we have so many mindless people walking about. Content to do the same thing everyday without think that there may be something more.

Polygamy is one of the more important issues in? Brave New World? because of the numerous times it occurs in? Brave New World? Polygamy or mandatory sex in this case is a very effective used by the controllers in this book to make the people more expectable to their role in life.

I mean who is going to argue with the ability to have sex with a whole heap of different people and not have to feel guilty or like you cheated on someone. I know I wouldn? t. There are many incidences in the book that show this feeling and what effect it has on controlling people. For incidence when?

... Our world is slowly falling into this sad state. Today it is excepted with most people that you can have sex before marriage. The act of adultery is become not too uncommon and for the most part teenagers are taking part in sex regularly.

It wasn? t to long ago when someone was considered a whore if they showed the skin around there ankles. The way the controllers use so many things to make the people docile and compliant is very intriguing. Also the way our world today is and the way the? Brave New World? is is surprisingly simular.

If we continue on the same path we are sure to end up the way the people in the book are.


Dear Mr. Huxley During the past few weeks my class and I have been reading your book, ? Brave New World? The family in? Brave New World.? Brave New World? I know I wouldn? t. For incidence when? ...